owners manual Citroen C8
owners manual Citroen C8 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Citroen C8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C8, year of production 2002 - 2014:
T o clear a destination; from steps 1 to 3, select "Choose from last destinations". A long press
on one of the destinations displays a list of actions from which you can select:
Delete entry
Delete list
7 10
T urn the dial and select OK.
T hen select "Start route guidance"
Press the dial to confi rm.
and the press the dial to confi rm.
T o speed up the process, the post code can be entteerreedd directly after START ROUTE GUIDANCE
selecting the "Postal code" function.
Use the virtual keypad to enter the letters and digits.
S elect the route type:
" "FFaasstt rroouuttee"",, ""SShhoorrtt rroouuttee"" oorr ""OOppttiimmiizzeedd rroouuttee"" aanndd pprreessss tthhee ddiiaall ttoo
R epeat steps 5 to 7 for the "Street" confi rm.
and "House number" functions. It is also possible to select a destination via "Choossee ffrroom address
book" or "Choose from last destinations".
S elect the "Save to address book" function to recoorrdd tthhe address
eenntteerreedd iinn aa ddiirreeccttoorryy fifi llee PPrreessss tthhee ddiiaall ttoo ccoonnfifi rrmm tthhee sseelleeccttiioonn
M MyyWWaayy aalllloowwss uupp ttoo 44 000000 ccoonnttaacctt fifi lleess ttoo bbee rreeccoorrddeedd
Y ou can zoom in/zoom out on the map using the dial.
It is possible to scroll the map or select its orientatiioonn vviiaa the short-
9 ccuutt mmeennuu ooff tthhee FFUULLLL SSCCRREEEENN MMAAPP PPrreessss tthhee ddiiaall tthheenn sseelleecctt
D uring guidance, pressing the end
"Map settings".
of the lighting stalk repeats the last
guidance instruction.
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year of production from: 2002
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Citroen C8 Citroen C8 owners manual
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Citroen C8 Citroen C8 owners manual
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