owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 195
CD/multimedia Entertainment
The CD/DVD is drawn in automatically andRemoving all CDs/DVDs
placed into the selected compartment.
1. Press the button for a longer period.
Sliding in CDs/DVDs
2. Remove the CDs/DVDs.
Do not insert the CD/DVD until the LEDs
on the DVD slot are flashing; otherwise, the
CD/DVD or the CD/DVD changer could be
If all LEDs on the CD/DVD changer flash rapѪ
idly, the system is malfunctioning.
Do not continue to push on the CD/DVD; this
To eliminate the malfunction:
may cause it to jam and prevent it from being
able to eject again.◀
1. Press one of the buttons:
Loading all empty CD/DVD
1. Press the button for a longer peѪ
The CD/DVD last inserted is ejected.
2. Remove the CD/DVD.
The LEDs on the empty CD compartments
flash. If the LEDs stop flashing rapidly, the CD/DVD
changer is functional again.
2. Wait for the LEDs on the DVD slot to begin
flashing and then insert each CD or DVD
Audio playback
into the center of the slot.
The audio track of a DVD can be played back
The CDs/DVDs are drawn in automatically
even if video playback is not possible in the veѪ
and placed into the empty compartments.
Sliding in CDs/DVDs
Only the main film without the previews or exѪ
Do not insert the CD/DVD until the LEDs
tras can be played back.
on the DVD slot are flashing; otherwise, the
CD/DVD or the CD/DVD changer could be
Starting playback
A DVD is located in the DVD changer.
Do not continue to push on the CD/DVD; this
1. "CD/Multimedia"
may cause it to jam and prevent it from being
able to eject again.◀
2. "CD/DVD"
3. Select the desired DVD.
After they are inserted, it may take several miѪ
nutes for the CDs/DVDs to be read in.
Selecting a chapter using the button
Removing a single CD/DVD
Press the button repeatedly until the
desired chapter is played.
1. Press the button.
2. Select the CD/DVD compartment.
Selecting a chapter using iDrive
The CD/DVD is partially ejected.
1. "CD/Multimedia"
3. Remove the CD/DVD.
2. "CD/DVD"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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