owners manual Peugeot 4007
owners manual Peugeot 4007 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 4007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 4007, year of production 2007 - 2012:
G eneral notes on MP3/WMA CDs
Pl aying an MP3/WMA CD W hat is the MP3/WMA fi le format? A cceptance of the fi les
When the MP3/WMA CD MP3 is the abbreviation of MPEG-1 Audio Some blank CDs may not be played
is inserted in the player, Layer 3 and MPG is the abbreviation of by your equipment (quality, recording
playing of the tracks is Motion Pictures Experts Group, a digital speed.).
automatic. video data compression standard used on When you burn a CD-R or CD-RW,
The tracks cannot be record-media such as video CDs. select the ISO 9660 level 1.2 or Joliet
ed onto the music server. The MP3 compression reduces the burning standard.
Y ou can play CDs with up number of bytes in a song by eliminat- To obtain the best acoustic quality pos-
to 8 levels, 255 folders and ing the long sound waves in the range of sible, select the lowest burning speed.
frequencies which are imperceptible to
400 fi les maximum. the human ear, so producing high quality The MPEG1 and MPEG2 standards
are accepted.
audio fi les with a low volume of data. Transmission speeds between 32 and
This compression divides the size of 320 kbits/s and scans between 16 kHz
the content of a conventional audio CD and 48 kHz are accepted.
by approximately 10, which means that To display the title information (the
the content of 10 audio CDs can be re-name of the artist, the title of the album,
corded onto a single CD-R or CD-RW. etc.), the information contained in the
ID3 Tags or the WMA Tags must be in-
cluded in the MP3/WMA fi les burned
onto the disc.
WMA is the abbreviation of Windows
Media Audio, another audio data com-
pression standard offered by Microsoft.
It can be used to create and save audio
fi les at a compression rate higher than C opyright
that of the MP3 format. Your Audio equipment may allow you
11 Windows Media and Microsoft Corpo-to listen to music which is usually pro-
ration are trademarks registered in the tected by copyright in accordance
United States and/or other countries. with current national and international
standards. Please consult these stan-
dards and comply with them.

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year of production from: 2007

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Peugeot 4007 owners manual
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