owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Emissions Inspection and
Maintenance (I/M) programs
Some states have vehicle emission in-Also, if the malfunction indicator lamp had
spection programs which include OBDcome on recently due to temporary mal-
(On–Board Diagnostics) checks. function such as a loose fuel tank cap,
The OBD system monitors the operationyour vehicle may not pass the I/M test.
of the emission control system. When theThe malfunction indicator lamp will go off
OBD system determines that a problem after taking several driving trips, but the
exists somewhere in the emission controlerror code in the OBD system will not be
system, the malfunction indicator lamp cleared unless about 40 trips or more are
comes on. In this case, your vehicle maytaken.
not pass the I/M test and need to be
repaired. Contact your Toyota dealer to If your vehicle does not pass the I/M test
service the vehicle. even the malfunction indicator lamp does
not come on, contact your Toyota dealer
Even if the malfunction indicator lamp to prepare the vehicle for re–testing.
does not come on, your vehicle may not
pass the I/M test as readiness codes
have not been set in the OBD system.
Readiness codes are automatically set
during ordinary driving. However, when the
battery is disconnected or run down, the
codes are erased. Also, depending on
your driving habits, the codes may not be
completely set.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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