owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
When the accelerator pedal is depressed
Adjusts the engine and transmission
points for a higher response. The settingwithin the range of economy drive, the ECO
of the steering system is adjusted to drive indicator light illuminates in green.
provide a quick steering response and aWhen the accelerator pedal is depressed
heavy steering effort. above the range of economy drive, the ECO
NOTE: drive indicator light turns off. For ECO
pedal system equipped models, see “ECO
In the SPORT mode, fuel economy may bepedal system” (P.5-22).
reduced. The ECO drive indicator light will not
SNOW MODE illuminate in the following cases:
Adjusts the driving force for slippery roads. WhentheshiftleverisintheR(Reverse)
automatically. position. JVS0303X
ECO MODE . Whenthevehiclespeedisbelow2MPH WhentheECOdriveindicatorilluminatesin
(3.2 km/h) or over 90 MPH (144 km/h).green, the accelerator reaction force is
Assists the driver’s eco-driving. The engine. WhentheIntelligent Cruise Control (ICC)normal. When the ECO drive indicator light
and transmission points are adjusted forsystem (if so equipped) is operated.is blinking or remains off, the ECO pedal
improved fuel economy, providing such a system increases the reaction force of the
driving features as smooth starting or ECO pedal system (if so equipped)accelerator pedal.
constant cruising. The ECO pedal system helps assist the
driver to improve fuel economy by increas-The ECO pedal system may not vary
NOTE: accelerator reaction force under the follow-
Selecting the ECO mode will not necessa-ing the reaction force of the acceleratoring conditions:
rily improve fuel economy as many drivingpedal.WhentheECOdriveindicator light is
factors influence its effectiveness.blinking or remains off, the ECO pedal. Whentheshiftleveris in the N (Neutral)
system increases the reaction force of theor R (Reverse) position.
Operation accelerator pedal. . When Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) is
Select the ECO mode using the INFINITI being operated.
Drive Mode Selector. The ECO drive indi- If the ECO pedal system malfunctions, it
cator light on the instrument panel illumi- will cancel automatically. The ECO pedal
5-22 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Infiniti Q50 Infiniti Q50 owners manual
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