owners manual Skoda Fabia
owners manual Skoda Fabia - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Skoda Fabia I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Skoda Fabia, year of production 2000 - 2008:
192 Wheels and Tyres
Speed restrictions apply to winter tyres as well as to summer tyres Unidirectional tyres*
⇒page189, ⇒.
You can fit winter tyres of a lower speed category to your vehicle provided The direction of rotation of the tyres is marked by arrows on the wall of
that you also do not drive faster than the permissible maximum speed for the tyre. This indicates the direction of rotation of the tyre, and it is essen-
such tyres, even if the possible maximum speed of your vehicle is higher. tial that the tyres are fitted on to run in this direction. Only then are the
Exceeding the speed category of the tyre can lead to damage occurring.tyres able to provide the optimal properties in terms of grip, low noise,
wear-and-tear and aquaplaning.
Please pay attention to the notes if you decide to fit winter tyres
⇒page187. Should it be necessary to fit on a spare wheel in exceptional cases with a
tyre not dedicated to the running direction or in opposite running direction,
You can also fit so-called “all-weather tyres” instead of winter tyres.please adopt a cautious style of driving as the tyre is no longer able to
Please contact your Škoda dealer If there are any points which are not provide optimal grip and handling in such a situation. This particularly
clear who will be able to provide you with information regarding the important on wet roads. You should have the defective tyre replaced as
maximum speed for your tyres. soon as possible and restore the correct direction of rotation on all tyres
Snow chains
You must on no account drive your car at more than the permis-
sible maximum speed for your winter tyres - risk of an accident Snow chains can be used on all tyres except type 195/50 R15 and 185/60
resulting from tyre damage and loss of control over your car.R15 and 185/60 R14 with wheel trims 6J x 14 with a depth of 38 mm.
Winter tyres of the type 185/55 R15 should be used for use with snow
For the sake of the environment chains on vehicles with a 2.0 litre/85 kW engine and 6j x 15 wheel trims.
Fit your summer tyres on again in good time since summer tyres offer you
Snow chains must only be mounted on the front wheels.
better grip and handling on roads which are free of snow and ice as well
as ar temperatures below 7 °C - the braking distance is shorter, there is When driving on wintry roads, snow chains improve not only traction, but
less tyre noise, tyre wear is reduced and fuel consumption is reduced.also the braking performance.
Only use fine-link snow chains . They must not project more than 15 mm
Note - including the chain lock.
Please observe the various differing legal requirements regarding tyres.Remove the full wheel trim if you wish to fit snow chains to the wheels.
You must take the chains off as soon as you drive on roads which are free
of snow. They adversely affect the handling of your vehicle, damage the
tyres and are rapidly destroyed.

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year of production from: 2000

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