BK0121200US.book 102 ページ 㧞㧜㧝㧜年4月㧝4日 水曜日 午前㧝㧝時㧞4分
Features and controls
11. After the voice guide says “
set to priority4. After the voice guide says “Please say,” it will read out
,” the system will start the pairing process. Wait each priority number and phone name pair in order, start-
a moment for the pairing process to complete. ing with the phone that has the highest priority level (from
When the confirmation function is on, the system will 1 to 7).
confirm the assigned phone name and priority again.Say the priority number of the phone that you want to con-
Answer “Yes.” nect to.
Answer “No” to return to the priority level selection in NOTE
Step 10. ●You can connect to a phone at any time by pressing the
12. When the pairing process is completed, the voice guide SPEECH button and saying the priority number, even
will say “Pairing Complete.” The system will then beep before all of the priority number and phone name pairs are
and the voice recognition mode will be exited. read out by the system.
NOTE 5. After the voice guide says “ selected,” the
3 ●If you are having difficulty pairing the phone, assistance system will reconnect to the cellular phone. Wait a
can be obtained by calling Mitsubishi hands free con- moment for the process to complete.
sumer support line 1-888-702-4100. When the confirmation prompts are on, the system will
Selecting the phone ask you again whether the phone that you want to recon-
N00507200035 nect to is correct. Answer “Yes” to continue and reconnect
When multiple paired phones are present in range of the to the cellular phone. If you answer “No,” the system will
Bluetooth HFP, the phone with the highest priority (set during ask “Which phone please?” Select the priority of the
the paring process) will be connected to the system. phone that you want to connect to.
Use the following procedure to connect to another paired
phone with lower priority. 6. When the reconnection of the cellular phone is completed,
the voice guide will say “ will temporarily
1. Press the SPEECH button. override phone priorities” and then the system will return
2. Say “Setup.” to the main menu.
3. Say “Select phone.” NOTE
●To change the priority level of a specific phone, redo the
pairing process for that phone. (Refer to “Pairing a cellu-
lar phone” on page 3-100.)