owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
(TCS) (if so equipped)
instrument panel. The brake system then oper- Onslippery surfaces such as wet asphalt roads,
ates normally, but without anti-lock assistance.Tire type and condition of tires may alsovehicle wheels may spin when the vehicle is
If the light comes on during the self-test or whileaffect braking effectiveness.accelerated. This wheel spin reduces accelera-
driving, take the vehicle to a NISSAN dealer for When replacing tires, install thetion, or causes the vehicle to swerve, thus
repair. specified size of tires to the front anddecreasing vehicle stability.
rear. Whenthevehicledrivewheelsbegintospin,the
WARNING When installing a spare tire, maketraction control system (TCS) controls the en-
sure it is the proper size and type asgine torque using an electronic control system,
The anti-lock brake system is a sophis- and it also controls automatic control shifting if
specified on the Tire and Loadingnecessary (for automatic transmission models).
ticated device, but it cannot prevent ac-Information label. See “Vehicle iden-This reduces spinning of the drive wheels, and
cidents resulting from careless or dan-tification” in the “9. Technical andresult in improved vehicle acceleration perfor-
gerous driving techniques. It can helpconsumer information” section formance. It also improves the vehicle stability by
maintain vehicle control during brakingthe Tire and Loading Information la-swerving motion.
on slippery surfaces but remember thatbel location. When the traction control system is operat-
the stopping distance on slippery sur- ing, the slip indicator light in the meter panel
faces will be longer than on normal blinks.
surfaces even with the anti-lock brake If the slip indicator light blinks, the vehicle is
system.Stoppingdistancesmayalsobe under slippery conditions. Be sure to drive
longeronrough,gravelorsnowcovered carefully. See “Slip indicator light” and “Trac-
roads, or if you are using tire chains. tion control system (TCS) off indicator light”
Always maintain a safe distance from in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.
the vehicle in front of you. Ultimately, Indicator light
the responsibility for safety of self and If a malfunction occurs in the traction control
others rests in the hands of the driver. system, the SLIP andindicator lights
come on in the meter panel.
As long as these indicator lights are on, the
traction control function (except the ABS) is
canceled. The vehicle will behaves like a
5-22 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2002
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Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual
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