owners manual Porsche Cayenne S
owners manual Porsche Cayenne S - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Porsche Cayenne S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Cayenne S, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Car Audio Operation/Tips Fading and drifting Multipath
For radio operation see your radio manual FM range is limited to about 25 miles (40 km), ex-Because of the reflecting characteristics of FM, di-
which is included with your on-board litera-cept for some high power stations.rect and reflected signals may reach the antenna
ture. If a vehicle is moving away from the desired sta-at the same time (multipath) and cancel each other
tion's transmitter, the signal will tend to fade and/out.
FM reception or drift. This condition is more prevalent with FM As a vehicle moves through these electronic dead
than AM, and is often accompanied by distortion. spots, the listener may hear a momentary flutter
A vehicle is not an ideal place to listen to a radio. Fading and drifting can be minimized to a certain or loss of reception.
Because the vehicle moves, reception conditions degree by careful attention to fine tuning or selec-Station swapping
are constantly changing. tion of a stronger signal.
Buildings, terrain, signal distance and noise from When two FM stations are close to each other, and
other vehicles are all working against good recep-Static and flutteringan electronic dead spot, such as static or multip-
tion. When the line-of-sight link between a transmitter ath area, interrupts the original signal, sometimes
Some conditions affecting FM may appear to be and vehicle is blocked by large buildings or moun-the stronger second signal will be selected auto-
problems when they are not.tains, the radio sound may be accompanied with matically until the original one returns.
static or fluttering because of the characteristic of This swapping can also occur as you drive away
The following characteristics are completely nor-FM.from the selected station and approach another
mal for a given reception area, and they do not in-In a similar effect, a fluttering noise is sometimes station of a stronger signal.
dicate any problem with the radio itself.heard when driving along a tree-lined road.
Note This static and fluttering can be reduced by adjust-
Electronic accessories should only be installed by ing the tone control for greater bass response un-
your authorized Porsche dealer.til the disturbance has passed.
Equipment which has not been tested and ap-
proved by Porsche may impair radio reception.
Controls, Safety, Instruments 189
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year of production from: 2002
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