owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 1998 - 2002:
Starting and driving189
WARNING 5 Check that the jumper cables do not 9 Attach the cable at least 18 inches
have loose or missing insulation. If they (45 cm) away from the discharged bat-
Using a match or flame of any kind near a do, you could get a shock and also the tery, but not near engine parts that
battery can cause battery gas to explode. vehicles could be damaged.move. The electrical connection is just
You can suffer burns or be blinded. Use a Before you connect the cables, here are as good there, but the chance of sparks
flashlight if you need more light.some basic things you should know. getting back to the battery is much less.
Positive (+) will go to positive (+) and 10 Start the vehicle with the good battery
Be sure the battery has enough water. negative (-) will go to a major metal and run the engine for a while.
The battery installed in your new Saab engine part with a good ground. Do not 11 Try to start the vehicle with the dis-
has filler caps. Be sure the right amount connect (+) to (-) or you will get a short charged battery. If it does not start after
of water is there. Add distilled or boiled that could injure you or would damage a few tries, it probably needs service.
water if the level is too low. If you don’t, the battery and maybe other parts as 12 Remove the cables in reverse order to
explosive gas could be present.well. prevent electrical shorting. Take care
Be sure the electrolyte in the battery is not 6 Connect the red positive (+) cable to the that they do not touch each other or any
frozen. Discharged batteries will freeze. positive (+) terminal of the vehicle with other metal.
When connecting jumper cables to a the discharged battery.
frozen battery, gas from the chemical 7 Do not let the other end touch metal.
reaction inside the battery can build up Connect it to the positive (+) terminal of
under the ice and cause an explosion.the good battery. Use a remote positive
Battery fluid contains acid that can burn (+) terminal if the vehicle has one.
you. Do not get it on you. If you acciden-8 Now connect the black negative (-)
tally get it in your eyes or on your skin, cable to the good battery’s negative ter-
flush the area with water and get medical minal.
help immediately. Do not let the other end touch anything
until the next step. The other end of the
negative cable does not go to the dead
battery. It goes to a major metal part with
a good ground on the engine of the vehi-
cle with the discharged battery.

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year of production from: 1998

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Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
pages 186 - 192
Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
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