owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
COLD. Tires are considered COLD after the● Do not drive your vehicle over 85 MPH● For additional information regarding
vehicle has been parked for three or more hours,(137 km/h) unless it is equipped withtires, refer to Important Tire Safety In-
or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) at moderatehigh speed rated tires. Driving fasterformation (US) or Tire Safety Informa-
speeds. COLD tire pressures are shown on thethan 85 MPH (137 km/h) may result intion (Canada) in the Warranty Informa-
tire placard affixed to the driver’s side rear doortire failure, loss of control and possibletion Booklet.
pillar. injury.
● For additional information regardingAll season tires
WARNING tires, refer to Important Tire Safety In-NISSANspecifiesAllSeasontiresonsomemod-
● Improperly inflated tires can fail sud-formation (US) or Tire Safety Informa-els to provide good performance all year, includ-
denly and cause an accident.tion (Canada) in the Warranty Informa-ing snowy and icy road conditions. All Season
● Thevehicleweightcapacityisindicatedtion Booklet. tires are identified by ALL SEASON and/or M&S
ontheF.M.V.S.S. certification label. DoTYPESOFTIRES onthetire sidewall. Snow tires have better snow
not load your vehicle beyond this ca- traction than All Season tires and may be more
pacity. Overloading your vehicle may WARNING appropriate in some areas.
result in reduced tire life, unsafe oper- Summertires
ating conditions due to premature tire● When changing or replacing tires, be
failure, or unfavorable handlingcharac-sure all four tires are of the same typeNISSANspecifiessummertiresonsomemodels
teristics and could also lead to a seri-(i.e., Summer, All Season or Snow) andto provide superior performance on dry roads.
ous accident. Loading beyond theconstruction. A NISSAN dealer may beSummer tire performance is substantially re-
specified capacity may also result inabletohelpyouwithinformationaboutducedinsnowandice.Summertiresdonothave
failure of other vehicle components.tire type, size, speed rating and avail-the tire traction rating “M&S”on the tire sidewall.
● Before taking a long trip, or wheneverability. Replacement tires may have a
youheavily load your vehicle, use a tirelower speed rating than the factoryIf you plan to operate your vehicle in snowy or icy
pressure gauge to ensure that the tireequipped tires, and may not match theconditions, NISSAN recommends the use of
pressures are at the specified level.potentialmaximum vehicle speed.SNOW tires or ALL SEASON tires on all four
Never exceed the maximum speed rat-wheels.
ing of the tire. Snowtires
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to select
tires equivalent in size and load rating to the
8-40 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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