owners manual Chevrolet S-10
owners manual Chevrolet S-10 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Chevrolet S 10 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet S-10, year of production 2001 - 2004:
There is a gender difference, too. Women generallyStatistics show that the chance of being in a collision
have a lower relative percentage of body waterincreases sharply for drivers who have a BAC of
than men. Since alcohol is carried in body water, this0.05 percent or above. A driver with a BAC level of
means that a woman generally will reach a higher BAC0.06 percent has doubled his or her chance of having a
level than a man of her same body weight will whencollision. At a BAC level of 0.10 percent, the chance
each has the same number of drinks.of this driver having a collision is 12 times greater; at a
The law in an increasing number of U.S. states, andlevel of 0.15 percent, the chance is 25 times greater!
throughout Canada, sets the legal limit at 0.08 percent.The body takes about an hour to rid itself of the alcohol
In some other countries, the limit is even lower. Forin one drink. No amount of coffee or number of cold
example, it is 0.05 percent in both France and Germany.showers will speed that up. “I will be careful” is not the
The BAC limit for all commercial drivers in the Unitedright answer. What if there is an emergency, a need
States is 0.04 percent. to take sudden action, as when a child darts into
The BAC will be over 0.10 percent after three to sixthe street? A person with even a moderate BAC might
drinks (in one hour). Of course, as we have seen,not be able to react quickly enough to avoid the
it depends on how much alcohol is in the drinks, andcollision.
how quickly the person drinks them.Thereissomethingelseaboutdrinkinganddrivingthat
But the ability to drive is affected well below a BAC ofmanypeopledonotknow.Medicalresearchshowsthat
0.10 percent. Research shows that the driving skillsalcohol in a person’s system can make crash injuries
of many people are impaired at a BAC approachingworse, especially injuries to the brain, spinal cord or
0.05 percent, and that the effects are worse at night. Allheart. This means that when anyone who has been
drivers are impaired at BAC levels above 0.05 percent.drinking — driver or passenger — is in a crash, that
person’s chance of being killed or permanently disabled
is higher than if the person had not been drinking.
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year of production from: 2001
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