Chevrolet Cruze Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (34,1)
7-34 Infotainment System
Voice Pass-Thru Dual Tone Multi-FrequencyClearing the System
Voice pass‐thru allows access to the(DTMF) TonesUnless information is deleted out of
voice recognition commands on theThe Bluetooth system can sendthe in‐vehicle Bluetooth system, it
cell phone. See your cell phonenumbers and the numbers stored aswill be retained indefinitely. This
manufacturer's user guide to see ifnametagsduring a call. You canincludes all saved name tags in the
the cell phone supports this feature.use this feature when calling aphone book and phone pairing
To access contacts stored in themenu‐driven phone system.information. For information on how
cell phone: Account numbers can also beto delete this information, see the
stored for use. previous sections on“Deleting a
1. Pressb / g. The systemSending a Number or Name TagPaired Phone”and “Deleting
responds“Ready,”followed byDuring a CallNameTags.”
a tone.
2. Say“Bluetooth.”This command1. Pressb / g. The system
can be skipped. responds“Ready,”followed by
3. Say“Voice.”The systema tone.
responds“OK, accessing2. Say“Dial.”
.” 3. Say the number or name tag
The cell phone's normal promptto send.
messageswill go through their cycle
according to the phone's operating