owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
When the shift lever is shifted into the R (Re-● Underneath the bumper and the corner● Do not strike the camera. It is a preci-
verse) position, the monitor display shows theareas of the bumper cannot be viewedsion instrument. Otherwise, it may mal-
view to the rear of the vehicle.ontheRearViewMonitorbecauseofitsfunctionorcausedamageresultingina
WARNING monitoringrangelimitation.Thesystemfire or an electric shock.
will not show small objects below the
Failuretofollowthewarningsandinstruc-bumper, and may not show objectsCAUTION
tions for proper use of the RearViewclose to the bumper or on the ground.There is a plastic cover over the camera.
Monitor could result in serious injury or● Objects viewed in the RearView Moni-Do not scratch the cover when cleaning
death. tor differ from actual distance becausedirt or snow from the cover.
● TheRearViewMonitorisaconveniencea wide-angle lens is used.
butitisnotasubstituteforproperback-● Objects in a RearView Monitor will ap-
ing. Always turn and look out the win-pear visually opposite than when
dows,andcheckmirrorstobesurethatviewed in the rear view and outside
it is safe to move before operating themirrors.
vehicle. Always back up slowly.● Make sure that the trunk is securely
● Thesystemisdesignedasanaidtotheclosed when backing up.
driver in showing large stationary ob-● Do not put anything on the rearview
jects directly behind the vehicle, to helpcamera. The rearview camera is in-
avoid damaging the vehicle.stalled above the license plate.
● The system cannot completely elimi-● When washing the vehicle with high
nate blind spots and may not show ev-pressure water, be sure not to spray it
ery object. around the camera. Otherwise, water
mayenter the camera unit causing wa-
ter condensation on the lens, a mal-
function, fire or an electric shock.
4-10 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2013

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