owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
3. Turn the engine off. CHANGINGENGINEOIL
4. Wait at least 10 minutes for the engine oil to
drain back into the oil pan.
5. Open the bonnet. For details, see “Bonnet
release” in the “3. Pre-driving checks and
adjustments” section.
6. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean.
7. Reinsert it all the way.
8. Removethedipstickagainandchecktheoillevel. SDI1104Z
It should be in the normal range j1. CR14DEengine
CR14DEorHR16DEengine 9. If the oil level is below MIN j2 , remove the en-
B. K9Kengine gine oil filler cap and pour the recommended oil
through the opening. Do not overfill j3.
1. Normal range 10. Re-check the oil level with the dipstick.
2. MINlevel 11. Install the engine oil filler cap securely.
3. MAXlevel 12. Close the bonnet.
CHECKINGENGINEOILLEVEL It is normal to add some engine oil between oil
CAUTION maintenance intervals depending on the severity
The oil level should be checked regularly. Oper- ofoperatingconditionsordependingontheprop- NDI653Z
ating with an insufficient amount of oil can dam- erty of the engine oil used. More engine oil is HR16DEengine
agetheengine,andsuchdamageisnotcovered consumedbyfrequentacceleration/deceleration
by warranty. especially when the engine rpm is high. Con-
sumption is likely to be higher when the engine
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and apply theis new. If the rate of oil consumption, after hav-
handbrake. ing driven for 5,000 km (3,000 miles), is more
2. Start the engine. If the engine is cold, start andthan 0.5 litre per 1,000 km (621 miles), consult a
let the engine idle until it reaches the operationalNISSANdealer or qualified workshop.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-9
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year of production from: 2006
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