owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
*1: The transfer 4LO position indicator light
may blink. Stop the vehicle. Be sure toWARNING hicle speed excessively, as the maxi-
shift the 4WD shift switch after the auto- mumspeedisapproximately30MPH
matic transmission lever has been shiftedWhen parking, apply the parking brake(50 km/h).
to the N position. If the indicator lightbefore stopping the engine and make When driving straight, shift the 4WD
keeps blinking after the 4WD shift proce-sure that the 4WD shift indicator light isshift switch to the 2WD, AUTO or 4H
dure in the previous page, drive slowlyon and the ATP warning light goes off.position. Do not move the 4WD shift
without abrupt maneuvers for a while.Otherwise, the vehicle could unexpect-switch when making a turn or revers-
Then the light will turn on or off.edly move even if the automatic trans-ing.
Avoid making a turn or abrupt starts whilemission is in the P position. Do not shift the 4WD shift switch
shifting to 4LO. Otherwise gears may
grind, damaging the drive system. (between 2WD, AUTO and 4H) while
*2:Makesurethetransfer4LOpositionindicatorCAUTION drivingonsteepdownhillgrades.Use
light turns on when you shift the 4WD shift the engine brake.
switch to 4LO. Never shift the 4WD shift switch be- Do not operate the 4WD shift switch
The transfer case 4WD shift switch is used totween 4LO and 4H while driving.(between 2WD, AUTO and 4H) with
select either 2WD or 4WD depending on the the rear wheels spinning.
driving conditions. There are four types of drive The 4H position provides greater Do not drive on dry hard surface
modes available, AUTO, 2WD, 4H and 4LO.power and traction. Avoid excessiveroads in the 4H or 4LO position. Driv-
speed, as it will cause increased fueling on dry hard surfaces in 4H or 4LO
The 4WDshift switch electronically controls theconsumptionandhigheroiltempera-
transfer case operation. Rotate the switch toture, and could damage drivetrainmay cause unnecessary noise and
move between each mode, 2WD, AUTO, 4Hcomponents. Speeds over 50 MPHtire wear. We recommend driving in
and 4LO. (80 km/h) in 4H are not recom-the 2WD or AUTO position under
Youmustpushtheswitchintoselect4LO,mended. these conditions.
and the vehicle MUST be stationary and The 4LO position provides maximum Vehicles equipped with a limited slip
the automatic transmission selector lever differential (LSD) haveimproveddriv-
is in the Nposition when changing into or power and traction. Avoid raising ve-
out of 4LO.
Starting and driving 5-27

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year of production from: 1996

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