owners manual Dacia Duster
owners manual Dacia Duster - year of production: 2010 - Dacia Duster owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Dacia Duster, year of production 2010:
B Do not attempt to use theThe kit is only approved
inflation kit if the tyre hasfor inflating the tyres of the
been damaged as a resultvehicle initially fitted with the
of driving with a puncture.kit. It must never be used to
You should therefore carefully check inflate the tyres of another vehicle,
A or any other inflatable object (rubber
the condition of the tyre sidewalls
before any operation. ring, rubber boat, etc.).
Avoid spillage on skin when hand-
Driving with underinflated, flat or
ling the repair liquid bottle. If drop-
punctured tyres can be dangerous
lets do leak out, rinse them off with
and may make the tyre impossible
to repair. plenty of water.
This repair is temporary Keep the repair kit away from chil-
A tyre which has been punctured
should always be inspected (and re-Do not dispose of the empty bottle
in the countryside. Return it to your
paired, where possible) as soon as
The kit repairs tyres when approved dealer or to a recycling or-
possible by a specialist.
tread A has been dam- ganisation.
aged by objects smaller
When replacing a tyre repaired
than 4 mm. It cannot repair The bottle has a limited service
using this kit, you must inform the
all types of puncture, such as cuts life which is indicated on its label.
specialist. When driving, vibration
Check the expiry date.
larger than 4 mm, or cuts in tyre
sidewall B. may be felt due to the presence of
the repair product injected into theContact an approved dealer to re-
tyre. place the inflation tube and repair
Ensure also that the wheel rim is in product bottle.
good condition.
Do not pull out the foreign body
causing the puncture if it is still in
the tyre.
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Dacia Duster Dacia Duster owners manual
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