owners manual Hyundai Santa Fe
owners manual Hyundai Santa Fe - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Hyundai Santa Fe I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Santa Fe, year of production 2000 - 2006:
D020A03A-AAT o If you should accidentally get acid on yourThen attach the other end of the same cable
skin or in your eyes, immediately removeto the positive (+) post or cable of the booster
any contaminated clothing and flush the area battery. Next, using the other cable, attach
with clear water for at least 15 minutes. Then one clamp to the negative (-) post or cable
promptly obtain medical attention. If youof the booster battery. Then attach the other
must be transported to an emergency facil- end of that cable to a solid metal part of the
ity, continue to apply water to the affectedengine of the vehicle with the discharged
Discharged area with a sponge or cloth. battery away from the battery. Do not con-
battery o The gas produced by the battery during the nect the cable to any moving part.
jump-start operation is highly explosive. Do 4. Start the engine in the car with the booster
not smoke or allow a spark or an open flame battery and let it run for a few minutes. This
in the vicinity. will help to assure that the booster battery is
o The battery being used to provide the jump fully charged. During the jumping operation,
start must be 12-volt. If you cannot deter-run the engine in this vehicle at about 2,000
D020A01O mine that it is a 12-volt battery, do not attemptrpm.
to use it for the jump start. 5. Start the engine in the car with the dis-
o To jump start a car with a discharged battery, charged battery using the normal starting
! follow this procedure exactly: procedure. After the engine starts, leave the
WARNING: jumper cables connected and let the engine
The gas produced by the battery during the 1. If the booster battery is installed in another run at fast idle or about 2,000 rpm for several
jump-start operation is highly explosive. If
vehicle, be sure the two vehicles are notminutes.
these instructions are not followed exactly, touching. 6. Carefully remove the jumper cables in the
serious personal injury and damage to the
2. Turn off all unnecessary lights and acces-reverse order of attachment.
vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how
sories in both vehicles.
to follow this procedure, seek qualified
3. Attach the clamps of the jumper cable in the If you do not know why your battery became
assistance. Automobile batteries contain
exact location shown on the illustration. First,discharged (because the lights were left on,
sulfuric acid. This is poisonous and highly
attach one clamp of the jumper cable to the etc.), have the charging system checked by
corrosive. When jump starting, wear pro-
positive (+) post or cable of the discharged your Hyundai dealer.
tective glasses and be careful not to get
acid on yourself, your clothing or on the car.
smhma-3.p65 3 7/28/04, 5:13 PM
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year of production from: 2000
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Hyundai Santa Fe I 1 owners manual
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