owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 1996 - 2004:
Tires and wheels
Tire pressure changes by approximately Do not overload the tires by exceeding the Rotate the wheels before the characteris-
1.5 psi (0.1 bar) per 18°F (10°C) of air specified vehicle capacity weight (as indicat-tic tire wear pattern becomes visible
temperature change. Keep this in mind ed by the label on the pillar in the driver’s (shoulder wear on front wheels and tread
when checking tire pressure where the door opening). Overloading the tires can center wear on rear wheels).
temperature is different from the outside overheat them, possibly causing a blowout.Thoroughly clean the inner side of the
temperature. wheels after each rotation. Check and en-
The tire temperature and with it the tire Check the spare tire periodically for condi-sure proper tire inflation pressure.
pressure is increased also while driving, tion and inflation. Spare tires will age and
depending on the driving speed and the become worn over time even if never used, Warning!G
tire load. and thus should be inspected and replaced
when necessary. Have the tightening torque checked after
Warning! G changing a wheel. Wheels could become
Rotating wheels loose if not tightened with a torque of
Follow recommended inflation pressure. 80ft.lb. (110 Nm).
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires Warning!G Use only genuine Mercedes-Benz wheel
can result in sudden deflation (blowout) be- bolts specified for your vehicle's rims.
cause they are more likely to become punc-Rotate front and rear wheels only if they are
tured or damaged by road debris, potholes of the same size.
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires The wheels can be rotated every 3000 to
wear unevenly, adversely affect handling 6000miles (5000 to 10000 km), or soon-
and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail er if necessary, according to the degree of
from being overheated. tire wear. The same direction of tire rota-
tion must be retained.

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year of production from: 1996

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Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual
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