text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Zafira, year of production 2005 - 2014:
182 Vehicle care
9. Switch on the compressor byRelease excess tyre pressure
pressing the < button. The tyre isusing the ] button.
filled with sealant.
Do not run the compressor longer
10. The compressor pressure gaugethan 10 minutes.
briefly indicates up to 6 bar whilst
13. Disconnect plug from power
the sealant bottle is emptying
outlet, place in plug compartment
(approx. 30 seconds). Then the
and remove tyre repair kit. Push
pressure starts to drop.
catch on bracket to remove
11. All of the sealant is pumped intosealant bottle from bracket. Screw
the tyre. Then the tyre is inflated.tyre inflation hose to the free
connection of sealant bottle. This
12. The prescribed tyre pressure
prevents sealant from escaping.
should be obtained within
8. Open the rear power outlet and
Stow tyre repair kit in load
10 minutes. Tyre pressure
insert plug of tyre repair kit.
3 211. When the correct pressure
To avoid discharging the battery,
is obtained, switch off the14. Remove any excess sealant
we recommend running the
compressor by pressing the

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year of production from: 2005

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Opel Zafira B owners manual
pages 179 - 185
Opel Zafira B owners manual
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