owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
RAPID AIR PRESSURE LOSS collision and result in personal injury.DRINKING ALCOHOL/DRUGS AND
Rapid air pressure loss or a “blow-out” can.The vehicle generally moves or pulls inDRIVING
occur if the tire is punctured or is damagedthe direction of the flat tire.
due to hitting a curb or pothole. Rapid air.Do not rapidly apply the brakes.WARNING
pressure loss can also be caused by
driving on under-inflated tires Do not rapidly release the acceleratorNever drive under the influence of alcohol or
Rapid air pressure loss can affect thepedal. drugs. Alcohol in the bloodstream reduces
handling and stability of the vehicle,. Do not rapidly turn the steering wheel.coordination, delays reaction time and im-
especially at highway speeds. pairs judgement. Driving after drinking
Help prevent rapid air pressure loss by1. Remain calm and do not overreact.alcohol increases the likelihood of being
maintaining the correct air pressure and2. Maintain a firm grip on the steeringinvolved in an accident injuring yourself and
visually inspect the tires for wear andwheelwithbothhandsandtrytoholdaothers. Additionally, if you are injured in an
damage.See“Wheelsandtires”(P.8-29)ofstraight course. accident, alcohol can increase the severity
this manual. 3. When appropriate, slowly release theof the injury.
Ifa tire rapidly loses air pressure oraccelerator pedal to gradually slow the
“blows-out” while driving maintain controlvehicle. INFINITI is committed to safe driving.
of the vehicle by following the procedure4. Gradually steer the vehicle to a safeHowever, you must choose not to drive
below. Please note that this procedure islocation off the road and away fromunder the influence of alcohol. Every year
only a general guide. The vehicle must betraffic if possible.thousands of people are injured or killed in
driven as appropriate based on the condi-5. Lightly apply the brake pedal to gradu-alcohol-related accidents. Although the
tions of the vehicle, road and traffic.ally stop the vehicle.local laws vary on what is considered to
be legally intoxicated, the fact is that
WARNING 6. Turn on the hazard warning flashersalcohol affects all people differently and
and either contact a roadside emer-most people underestimate the effects of
gency service to change the tire or seealcohol.
The following actions can increase the“Changing a flat tire” (P.6-4) of thisRemember, drinking and driving don’t mix!
chance of losing control of the vehicle ifOwner’s Manual. And that is true for drugs, too (over-the-
there is a sudden loss of tire air pressure. counter, prescription, and illegal drugs).
Losing control of the vehicle may cause a
Starting and driving5-9
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Infiniti Q50 Infiniti Q50 owners manual
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