owners manual Mazda CX-5
owners manual Mazda CX-5 - year of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Mazda CX 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-5, year of production 2012 - 2017:
CX-5_8CA5-EA-11L_Edition3 Page179
Friday, June 22 2012 3:45 PM
Black plate (179,1)
Switches and Controls
NOTE 7. Return to the vehicle and firmly press,
If the HomeLink indicator light does nothold for two seconds and release the
change to a rapidly blinking light, contactprogrammed HomeLink button. Repeat
HomeLinkatwww.homelink.comorcall1- the “press/hold/release” sequence a
800-355-3515 for assistance. second time, and, depending on the
brand of the garage door opener (or
4. Firmly press and hold the programmedother rolling code equipped device),
HomeLinkbuttonfor five seconds, and repeat this sequence a third time to
then release it. Perform this operationcomplete the programming process.
two times to activate the door. If the
door does not activate, press and holdHomeLinkshouldnowactivate your
the just-trained HomeLink button androlling code equipped device.
observe the indicator light. NOTE
If the indicator light stays on constantly,To program the remaining two HomeLink
programmingiscompleteandyour buttons, begin with “Programming” ― step 1.
device should activate when the For questions or comments, please contact
HomeLinkbuttonispressed and released.HomeLinkatwww.homelink.comor1-
NOTE 800-355-3515.
To program the remaining two HomeLink
buttons, begin with “Programming” ― step 1.qGateoperator/Canadian
If the indicator light blinks rapidly forProgramming
twosecondsandthenturnstoa Canadian radio-frequency laws require
constant light, continue with transmitter signals to “time-out” (or quit)
“Programming”steps 5―7tocomplete after several seconds of transmission ―
the programming of a rolling code which may not be long enough for
equipped device (most commonly a HomeLinktopickupthesignal during
garage door opener). programming. Similar to this Canadian
5. At the garage door opener receiverlaw, some U.S. gate operators are
(motor-head unit) in the garage, locatedesigned to “time-out” in the same
the “learn” or “smart” button. This canmanner.
usually be found where the hangingIf you live in Canada or you are having
antenna wire is attached to the motor-difficulties programming a gate operator
head unit. by using the “Programming” procedures
6. Firmly press and release the “learn” or(regardless of where you live), replace
“smart” button. (The name and color of“ProgrammingHomeLink”step2with
the button may vary by manufacturer.)the following:
There are 30 seconds in which to initiate stepIf programming a garage door opener or gate
7. operator, it is advised to unplug the device
during the “cycling” process to prevent
possible overheating.
Form No.8CA5-EA-11L

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year of production from: 2012

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