owners manual Pontiac Sunfire
owners manual Pontiac Sunfire - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Pontiac Sunfire owners manual EN
pdf (2.78 MB) 364 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Pontiac Sunfire, year of production 1995 - 2005:
The body takes about an hour to rid itself of the alcohol
in one drink. No amount of coffee or number of coldCAUTION:
showers will speed that up. “I’ll be careful” isn’t the
right answer. What if there’s an emergency, a need toDrinking and then driving is very dangerous.
take sudden action, as when a child darts into the street?Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness and
A person with even a moderate BAC might not be able
to react quickly enough to avoid the collision.judgment can be affected by even a small amount
There’s something else about drinking and driving thatof alcohol. You can have a serious -- or even
many people don’t know. Medical research shows thatfatal -- collision if you drive after drinking.
alcohol in a person’s system can make crash injuriesPlease don’t drink and drive or ride with a driver
worse, especially injuries to the brain, spinal cord orwho has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if
heart. This means that when anyone who has beenyou’re with a group, designate a driver who will
drinking -- driver or passenger -- is in a crash, thatnot drink.
person’s chance of being killed or permanently disabled
is higher than if the person had not been drinking.
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year of production from: 1995
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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