owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 1998 - 2002:
Starting and driving 177
• Driving in a low gear results in higher fuel Engine block heater (standard Driving in cold weather
consumption than in a high gear because equipment in Canada, accessory in Before starting a journey in cold weather
of the lower engine speed for a given road U.S.) you should check the following:
speed. Always change up to a higher gear The following are just some of the benefits
as soon as traffic conditions allow and use to the car and the environment of using an • That the wiper blades have not become
the highest gear as much as possible. engine block heater: frozen to the windshield/glass.
• Check the air pressure in the tires once a • Lower fuel consumption. • Brush any snow away from the air intake
month. Incorrect pressures increase tire • Reduced wear on the engine. for the heater system (opening between
wear. It is better to have slightly higher • Inside of car warms up faster. hood and windshield).
pressure than lower. • It may be advisable to lubricate the
• Check fuel consumption regularly. • Exhaust emissions substantially reduced door-lock cylinder (use molybdenum
Increased consumption can indicate that over short runs. disulphide, MoS ) to prevent its freezing.
something is wrong and that the car The engine block heater is effective with 2
needs to be checked by an authorized outside temperatures up to +60 – +70°F If the lock has frozen, take care not to
Saab dealer. (+15 – +20°C). The warmer it is outside, the break the key (or use the remote control)
Practical tests on the roads have demon- shorter the time the heater need be con- – heat it first or spray it with de-icer.
strated that substantial savings in fuel con-nected. Longer than 1.5 hours is unneces- • Periodically during the winter, add gaso-
sumption can be made if the above advice sary. line anti-freeze to the fuel to dispel any
is heeded. If the car is equipped with a removable elec- condensation in the fuel tank which could
trical cabin heater that is not in use, this freeze and cause problems in the system.
Road conditions should be stored in the luggage compart- Keep the tank well filled to reduce the risk
Wet roads increase fuel consumption, as do ment. of condensation forming.
unpaved roads and driving in hilly country If the car is parked outside in freezing
(the amount of fuel saved driving downhill is weather, fuel additives (gasoline
less than the additional amount required to anti-freeze) will not do any good as it
climb the hill). cannot remove water that has already fro-
zen. Park the car in a warm place so that
any ice that may have built up melts, then
add gasoline anti-freeze when filling up
the tank. Condensation is caused by
changes in the outdoor temperature or by
the car being parked alternately in a
garage and outside.
• It is particularly important when the roads
are slippery that the brakes and tires be in
good condition.

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year of production from: 1998

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Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
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