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owners manual Nissan Micra

owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN

Document: pdf (3.37 MB) 293 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
AVOIDINGCOLLISIONAND OFF-ROADRECOVERY CAUTION ROLLOVER ● Do not use leaded gasoline. Deposits While driving, the right side or left side wheels from leaded gasoline will seriously re-WARNING mayunintentionally leave the road surface. If this duce the three-way catalyst’s ability to occurs, maintain control of the vehicle by follow- help reduce exhaust pollutants.Failure to operate this vehicle in a safeing the procedure below. Please note that this ● Keep your engine tuned up. Malfunc-and prudent manner may result in loss ofprocedure is only a general guide. The vehicle tions in the ignition, fuel injection, orcontrol or an accident.mustbedrivenasappropriatebasedonthecon- electrical systems can cause overrichBealert and drive defensively at all times. Obey allditions of the vehicle, road and traffic. fuel flow into the three-way catalyst,traffic regulations. Avoid excessive speed, high1. Remain calm and do not overreact. causingittooverheat.Donotkeepdriv-speed cornering, or sudden steering maneuvers, ing if the engine misfires, or if notice-because these driving practices could cause you2. Do not apply the brakes. able loss of performance or other un-to lose control of your vehicle. As with any ve-3. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel usualoperatingconditionsarehicle, loss of control could result in a colli-with both hands and try to hold a straight detected. Have the vehicle inspectedsion with other vehicles or objects or causecourse. promptly by a NISSAN dealer.thevehicletorollover,particularlyiftheloss ● Avoiddrivingwithanextremelylowfuelof control causes the vehicle to slide side-4. Whenappropriate,slowlyreleasetheaccel- level. Running out of fuel could causeways. Be attentive at all times, and avoid drivingerator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle. the engine to misfire, damaging thewhentired.Neverdrivewhenundertheinfluenceof5. If there is nothing in the way, steer the ve- three-way catalyst. alcohol or drugs (including prescription or over-hicle to follow the road while vehicle speed ● Donotracetheenginewhilewarmingitthe-counter drugs which may cause drowsiness).is reduced. Do not attempt to drive the ve- up. Always wear your seat belt as outlined in thehicle backontotheroadsurfaceuntilvehicle “Safety – Seats, seat belts and supplemental re-speed is reduced. ● Donotpushortowyourvehicletostartstraint system” section of this manual, and also the engine. instruct your passengers to do so.6. When it is safe to do so, gradually turn the Seatbeltshelpreducetheriskofinjuryincollisionssteering wheel until both tires return to the and rollovers. In a rollover crash, an unbeltedroad surface. When all tires are on the road or improperly belted person is significantlysurface, steer the vehicle to stay in the ap- more likely to be injured or killed than apropriate driving lane. person properly wearing a seat belt. Starting and driving 5-3
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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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