owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 1996 - 2004:
Engine compartment
Transmission fluid level Warning! G
The transmission fluid level does not need
to be checked. If you notice transmission In order to avoid any possibly serious burns:
fluid loss or gear shifting malfunctions, Use extreme caution when opening the
have an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center hood if there are any signs of steam or
check the transmission. coolant leaking from the cooling system,
or if the coolant temperature gauge indi-
Coolant cates that the coolant is overheated.
Do not remove pressure cap on coolant
The engine coolant is a mixture of water reservoir if engine temperature is above SLK230Kompressor
and anticorrosion/antifreeze. To check 194°F (90°C). Allow engine to cool 1 Coolant expansion tank
the coolant level, the vehicle must be down before removing cap. The coolant 2 Float in the filler neck
parked on level ground and the engine reservoir contains hot fluid and is under
must be cool. pressure. Using a rag, turn the cap to the left to
The coolant expansion tank is located on Using a rag, slowly open the cap approx-the first detent position. Allow any ex-
the passenger side of the engine compart-imately ½ turn to relieve excess pres-cess pressure to escape.
ment. sure. If opened immediately, scalding Continue turning the cap to the left and
hot fluid and steam will be blown out un-remove it.
der pressure.
Do not spill antifreeze on hot engine The coolant level is correct if float 2
parts. Antifreeze contains ethylene gly-can be seen at the top through the filler
col which may burn if it comes into con-neck.
tact with hot engine parts.

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year of production from: 1996

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Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual
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