owners manual Fiat Punto
owners manual Fiat Punto - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Fiat Punto II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Punto, year of production 1999 - 2011:
GENERAL WARNINGS Should failure disappear, message and warning light will
Failure indications shown (only for some versions)however stay on for about 2 seconds. Eliminating the
on the reconfigurable multifunction displayfailure, the warning light and the displayed message willAND
go off. It is possible to stop this “cycle” by pressingDASHBOARDCONTROLS
together with buzzer sounding (adjustable) andbutton Q, in this case the screen active before the
warning light (if any) coming on on the cluster, arefailure will be resumed and the warning light will stay
accompanied by possibles specific warning messageson until eliminating the failure cause.
(e.g.: “Switch off engine”, etc.). These indications are SAFETYDEVICES
concise and cautionary and are aimed to suggestThe message and the warning indication corresponding
the prompt action the driver must adopt when a carto serious/minor failures are displayed alternately for
malfunctioning appears. These indications, however,few seconds. This “cycle” is repeated for about 20
shall not be considered as exhaustive and/or as anseconds and then goes off, but it comes on again everyOF THE CAR
alternative to the specifications contained in thistime the ignition key is turned to MAR. CORRECT USE
“Owner handbook”, which shall always be readShould failure disappear during the 20 seconds
through carefully and thoroughly. In case of failuredisplaying, message and warning light will stay on for
indication always refer to the specificationsabout 2 seconds. Eliminating the failure, the warningARNING
contained in this section. WLIGHTS ANDMESSAGES
light and the displayed message will go off.
IMPORTANT Failure indications displayed on theAt the end of the display cycle (which lasts approx. 20
reconfigurable multifunction display are divided intoseconds), or if button Q is pressed, the screen active
two categories: very serious failures andbefore the failure will be resumed and the warningIN AN
serious/minor failures. EMERGENCY
light will stay on until eliminating the failure cause.
The message and the warning indication correspondingSee the attached Supplement for messages relevant to
to very serious failures are displayed alternately forversions with Speedgear or Dualogic gearbox.CAR
few seconds. This “cycle” is repeated indefinitely and it MAINTENANCE
stops any previous indication on the display. It is
displayed every time the ignition key is turned to MAR,
until the cause of malfunctioning is removed. TIONS

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year of production from: 1999

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Fiat Punto II 2 owners manual
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