owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Automatictransmission 173
Driving tips
The automatic transmission shifts to the indi-
vidual gears automatically when it is in trans- g
behavior is determined by: rkin
Rtheselected drive program (Y page 173) a
Rtheposition of the accelerator pedal p
(Y page 173) d
Rtheroadspeed n
XAllvehicles (except Mercedes-AMG vehi-a
Accelerator pedal position cles and PLUG-IN HYBRID): press program
selector button : to change the drive pro-ving
Your style of driving influences how the auto-gram. i
matic transmission shifts gear: The selected drive program appears in theDr
Rlittle throttle: early upshifts multifunction display.
Rmorethrottle: late upshifts
Usekickdownfor maximumacceleration.
XDepresstheaccelerator pedal beyond the
pressure point.
The automatic transmission shifts to a lower
gear depending on the engine speed.
XEaseofftheaccelerator pedal once the
desired speed is reached.
The automatic transmission shifts back up.XMercedes-AMGvehicles:pressprogram
Rocking the vehicle free selector button : repeatedly until the letter
for the desired drive program appears in the
Rocking the vehicle free by shifting back andmultifunction display.
forth between transmission positions D and RThe program selector button influences:
in mud or snow. The vehicle's engine manage-
mentrestricts switching between transmissionRtheenginemanagement
positionsDandRtospeedsuptoamaximumofOnMercedes-AMGvehicles, drive program E is
5mph(9km/h).Toshiftbackandforthbetweencalled drive program C.
transmission positions D and R, move theThe automatic transmission switches to auto-
DIRECT SELECT lever up and down past thematic drive program E (drive program C in
point of resistance. Mercedes-AMGvehicles).
Programselectorbutton andPLUG-INHYBRIDvehicles)
Thissectiondescribestheprogramselectorbut-EEconomyComfortable, economical
tonforallvehiclesexceptPLUG-INHYBRIDvehi- driving
cles. Information on automatic drive programsSSportSporty driving style
for PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles (Y page 250).
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
pages 172 - 178
Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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