owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
HOWTOSAYNUMBERS Temperatures (climate control)O VOICE [PLAY] DIRECTORY
Numbers in voice commands must be Lists the personal nametags stored
In climate control commands, say tem-with each memory location.
given as follows. Either “zero” or “oh” peratures as in the following examples.O VOICE DELETE DIRECTORY
can be used for “0”. For information O “Temperature seventy four” (74). —
about specific commands, see the Voice Deletes the personal nametags stored
command descriptions on the following For Fahrenheit (°F) with each memory location.
page. O “Temperature twenty one point five”
Dialog commands
Radio stations (21.5). — For Centigrade (°C)O YES/NO
Radio frequencies should be spoken asO “Temperature nineteen point zero”, Confirms a command after the prompt
follows: “Temperature nineteen point oh”, or“Please say YES or NO”.
O “Select nine thirty AM”, or “Select“Temperature nineteen” (19.0). — ForO CANCEL
nine thirty” (930). °C Cancels a command after the prompt
O “Select one thousand” (1000).VOICE COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS “Please say YES, NO or CANCEL”.
O “Select ten forty” (1040). In the command descriptions, optional To clear the last group of numbers en-
words are shown in square brackets [ ].tered when using the phone enter
O “Select thirteen hundred” (1300).Data items that you need to enter, suchcommand.
O “Select seventeen ten” (1710).as phone numbers, are shown in italics.
O “Select ninety seven point nine FM”, For information on entering numbers in
commands, see “How to say numbers”.To store the phone number, say
or “Select ninety seven point nine” STORE after entering the phone
(97.9). General commands number.
O “Tuneonehundredpoint five” (100.5).O [VOICE] FEEDBACK ON/OFFHelp commands
O “Tune one oh one point one FM”Turns voice feedback successively on O HELP
(101.1). and off. Gives spoken information about the
O VOICE DELETE MEMORY A/B voice activation system.
Deletes the trained voice stored in
memory A or B.
Monitor, climate, audio and voice-activated control systems 4-43
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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