owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Manual Opel Astra J EN
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2009 - 2015:
Driving and operating173
OPC Flex Ride driving system allowsNORMAL mode
Personalised settings in the
the driver to select between threeIn NORMAL mode, when neither
Sport mode
driving modes: SPORT nor OPC button is pressed,
The driver can select the functions of
all settings of the systems are
■ OPC mode: press button OPC,
the SPORT mode when SPORT
adapted to standard values.
LED illuminates.
button is pressed. These settings can
be changed in the menu Settings in
■ SPORT mode: press button
SPORT mode
the Info-Display. Vehicle
SPORT, LED illuminates.
The settings of the systems are
personalisation 3 128.
■ NORMAL mode: neither buttonadapted to a sportier driving style.
SPORT nor OPC is pressed, no
Flex Ride - OPC Version
OPC mode
LED illuminates.
The OPC Version of Flex Ride system
The drive dynamic characteristics are
Deactivate SPORT mode and OPC
works in the same way as the
adapted to high performance
mode by pressing corresponding
standard Flex Ride system with the
button once more.
difference that the modes have a
In this mode the illumination of main
more sporty characteristic.In each driving mode OPC Flex Ride
instruments is switched to red.
networks the following electronic
Personalised settings in the OPC
■ Continuous Damping Control.
■ Accelerator Pedal Control.The driver can select the functions of
the OPC mode when OPC button is
■ Steering Control.
pressed. These settings can be
■ Electronic Stability Control (ESC).
changed in the menu Settings in the
■ Antilock brake system (ABS) withInfo-Display. Vehicle personalisation
cornering brake control (CBC).3 128.

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year of production from: 2009

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Manual Opel Astra J
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