owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2015 - Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2015:
172 Driving and operating
The engine start is indicated by the● The charging level of the vehicle
● Always apply the parking
needle at the idle speed position inbattery is below a defined level.
brake. Activate the manual
the tachometer.
● The brake vacuum is notparking brake without pressing
If the selector lever is shifted out ofsufficient.the release button. Apply as
neutral before depressing the clutch firmly as possible on a downhill
● The vehicle is driven at least at
first, control indicator - illuminatesslope or uphill slope. Depress
walking speed.
or is shown as a symbol in the Driver brake pedal at the same time to
● The climate control system
Information Centre. reduce operating force.
requests an engine start.
Control indicator - 3 117. For vehicles with electric
● The air conditioning is manually
parking brake, pull switch m for
switched on.
Restart of the engine by the stop-
approx. one second.
start system If the bonnet is not fully closed, a
The electric parking brake is
warning message is displayed in the
applied when control indicator
The selector lever must be in neutral
Driver Information Centre.
m illuminates 3 117.
to enable an automatic restart.
If an electric accessory, e.g. a
If one of the following conditions ● Switch off the engine.
portable CD player, is connected to
occurs during an Autostop, the
● If the vehicle is on a level
the power outlet, a brief power drop
engine will be restarted automatically
surface or uphill slope, engage
during restart might be noticeable.
by the stop-start system:
first gear or set the selector
● The stop-start system is lever to position P before
manually deactivated. removing the ignition key. On
an uphill slope, turn the front
● The bonnet is opened.
wheels away from the kerb.
● The driver's seat belt is
If the vehicle is on a downhill
unfastened and the driver's door● Do not park the vehicle on an
slope, engage reverse gear or
is opened. easily ignitable surface. The
set the selector lever to position
high temperature of the
● The engine temperature is too
P before removing the ignition
exhaust system could ignite the

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year of production from: 2015

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Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
pages 171 - 177
Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
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