owners manual Toyota RAV4
owners manual Toyota RAV4 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Toyota RAV4 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota RAV4, year of production 2005 - 2012:
’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
1 2 3 4 5 6 (Preset buttons) AM ASL: The Automatic Sound Levelizer can
be turned on by turning the knob. In addi-
These buttons are used to preset and Push the “AM” button to turn on the radio
tion, turning the knob allows you to select
tune in radio stations. and select the AM band. “AM” will appear from LOW, MID, and HIGH volume and
To preset a station to a button: Tune in on the display. tone settings. The ASL system automati-
the desired station. (See “TUNE·FILE” orAUDIO CONTROL (Tone and sound bal- cally adjusts volume and tone in accor-
“SEEK/TRACK”.) Push and hold down the ance adjustment function)dance with the driving speed. This helps
button until you hear a beep—this will set Each time you push the “AUDIO
the station to the button. The button num- ensure an optimal listening experience
ber will appear on the display. CONTROL” knob, the mode changes. To even if noise levels rise while driving.
adjust the tone and balance, turn the DISC·AUX (Compact disc)
To recall a preset station: Push the buttonknob. Push the “DISC·AUX” button to play a
for the station you want. The button num-
ber and station frequency will appear on BAS: Adjusts low−pitched tones. The dis-compact disc.
the display. play ranges from −5 to 5. When the audio system is set into com-
These systems can store one AM and twoTRE: Adjusts high−pitched tones. The dis-pact disc operation, the display shows the
play ranges from −5 to 5. track, or track and disc number currently
FM stations for each button. (The display
will show “AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” when youFAD: Adjusts the sound balance between being played.
the front and rear speakers. The display
push “AM” or “FM1” or “FM2” button.)ranges from F7 to R7. To switch between CD and AUX (external
(Eject button) device) modes, press the “DISC·AUX” but-
BAL: Adjusts the sound balance betweenton. The AUX mode is only available when
the right and left speakers. The display AUX adapter is connected to the system.
Push the compact disc eject button to
eject a compact disc. ranges from L7 to R7. When the AUX adapter is in use, “AUX”
(Reverse/Fast−forward button) will appear on the display.
Push and hold “” (preset button 6) or
“ ” (preset button 5) to fast forward or
reverse within a compact disc. When you
release the button, the compact disc play-
er will resume playing.
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
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year of production from: 2005
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