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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 2001 - 2007:
Servicetheitemslistedattheindicateddistance(ortime,ifgiven). Follow the Severe Maintenance
miles x 1,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Schedule if you drive your vehicle
kmx1,000 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 MAINLYunderoneormoreof the
Checkengineoilandcoolant Checkoilandcoolantateachfuelstop following conditions:
Checktires Checkinflation and condition once a month
Replaceengineoil Every5,000miles(8,000km)orevery6months, Driving less than 5 miles (8 km) per
whichevercomesfirst trip or, in freezing temperatures,
Rotatetires (follow pattern on page 193 ) Every10,000miles(16,000km) driving less than 10 miles (16 km)
Replaceengineoilfilter per trip. M
Checkfrontandrearbrakes Driving in extremely hot [over 90°F a
Lubricate all hinges, locks and latches ((OOrr eevveerryy 11 yyeeaarr,, wwhhiicchheevveerr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt)) (32°C)] conditions. intenance
Inspect the following items: Extensive idling or long periods of
Tie rod ends, steering gear box, and boots
Suspensioncomponents,Driveshaftboots stop and go driving, such as a taxi or
Checkparkingbrakeadjustment a commercialdelivery vehicle.
Inspect the following items: Trailer towing, driving with a roof S
Brakehosesandlines(includingABS) ((OOrr eevveerryy 11 yyeeaarr,, wwhhiicchheevveerr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt)) rack, or driving in mountainous chedule
All fluid levels and condition of fluids conditions.
Exhaustsystem ,Fuellinesandconnections Driving on muddy, dusty, or de-iced
Lights and controls/vehicle underbody
Inspect drive belts roads. f
Replacedustandpollenfilter ˎ 1 ((OOrr eevveerryy 22 yyeeaarrss,, wwhhiicchheevveerr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt)) CanadianOwnersʵ Follow the or
Cleanandreplaceaircleanerelement ˎ 3 Cleanevery15,000miles(24,000km),andreplaceevery30,000 Maintenance Schedule for Severe Sever
miles (48,000 km) Conditions.
ˎ Seedustandpollenfilteronpage for
Inspect valve clearance 1: 188 e
((OOtthheerrwwiissee aaddjjuusstt oonnllyy iiff nnooiissyy)) replacementinformationunderspecial C
Replaceautomatictransmissionfluid ˎ 2 driving conditions. onditions
Replacemanualtransmissionfluid ˎ 2: Replaceat60,000miles(96,000km)or3
((OOrr eevveerryy 33 yyeeaarrss,, wwhhiicchheevveerr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt)) years, then every 30,000 miles (48,000
Replacereardifferential fluid km)or2years.
((OOrr eevveerryy 44 yyeeaarrss,, wwhhiicchheevveerr ccoommeess ffiirrsstt)) ˎ 3: Usenormalscheduleexceptindusty
Inspect idle speed Every160,000miles(256,000km) condition.
Replaceenginecoolant At120,000miles(192,000km)or10years,then
every60,000miles(96,000km)or5years ˌ : Seeinformationonmaintenanceand
Replacebrakefluid Every3years(independentofmileage) emissionwarrantyonpage 166.
Maintenance 169
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