owners manual Pontiac Sunfire
owners manual Pontiac Sunfire - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Pontiac Sunfire owners manual EN
pdf (2.78 MB) 364 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Pontiac Sunfire, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Care of Your Compact Disc PlayerChime Level Adjustment
The use of CD lens cleaner discs is not advised, due to(RDS Radios Only)
the risk of contaminating the lens of the CD optics withChime level adjustment is only available on RDS radios.
lubricants internal to the CD mechanism.The radio is the vehicle chime producer. The chime is
Fixed Mast Antenna produced from the driver’s side front door speakers. To
change the volume level, press and hold pushbutton six
The fixed mast antenna can withstand most car washeswith the ignition on and the radio power off. The chime
without being damaged. If the mast should ever becomevolume level will change from the normal level to loud,
slightly bent, you can straighten it out by hand. If theand LOUD will be displayed on the radio. To change
mast is badly bent, as it might be by vandals, you shouldback to the default or normal setting, press and hold the
replace it. pushbutton six again. The chime level will change from
Check every once in a while to be sure the mast is stillthe loud level to normal, and NORMAL will be
tightened to the fender. If tightening is required, tightendisplayed. Each time the chime volume is changed,
by hand, then with a wrench one quarter turn.three chimes will sound as an example of the new
volume selected. Removing the radio and not replacing
it with a factory radio or chime module will disable
vehicle chimes.
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year of production from: 1995
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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