owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Glow plug system for the diesel engine
WARNING engine reach operating temperature faster
and reduces emissions.
To avoid unnecessary discharging of the bat-
● Never start or run the engine in unventila-
tery, do not use any other major electrical
ted or closed rooms. The exhaust gases con-
equipment while the glow plugs are pre-heat-
tain carbon monoxide, an odourless and col-
ourless poisonous gas. Risk of fatal acci- ing.
Starting diesel engines
dents. Carbon monoxide can cause loss of
Start the engine as soon as the glow plug
consciousness and result in death.
The engine can only be started using a genu-
warning lamp goes out.
● Never leave the vehicle unattended if theine SEAT key with its correct code.
engine is running.
– Move the gearbox lever to the neutral posi-Starting a diesel engine after the fuel tank
● Never use “cold start sprays”, they could
tion and depress the clutch pedal thor-has been completely run dry
explode or cause the engine to run at high
oughly and hold it in this position for the
If the fuel tank has been completely run dry,
revs. Risk of injury.
starter to turn the engine on.
it may take longer than normal (up to one mi-
nute) to start a diesel engine after refuelling.
– Turn the ignition key to position ››› Fig. 173
This is because the fuel system must elimi-
2 . The warning lamp will light for en-
● When the engine is cold, you should avoid
nate air first.
gine pre-heating.
high engine speeds, driving at full throttle
– When the lamp turns off, turn the ignition
and over-loading the engine. Risk of engine
key to position 3 to start the engine. Do
Observe the safety warnings ››› in Starting
not press the accelerator.
● The vehicle should not be pushed or towed
engines on page 170.
more than 50 metres to start the engine. Un-
– Release the ignition key as soon as the en-
burnt fuel could enter the catalytic converter
gine starts. The starter motor should not
and damage it.
turn at the same time.
● Before attempting to push-start or tow a ve- ● When the engine is cold, you should avoid
hicle in order to start it, you should first try toWhen starting a cold engine, it may be a little
high engine speeds, driving at full throttle
start it using the battery of another vehicle.noisy for the first few seconds until oil pres-and over-loading the engine. Risk of engine
Please observe and follow the notes on thesure has built up in the hydraulic valve com-damage.
››› page 67, How to jump start.
pensators. This is quite normal, and no cause
● The vehicle should not be pushed or towed
for concern.
more than 50 metres to start the engine. Un-
burnt fuel could enter the catalytic converter
For the sake of the environment
If there are problems starting the engine, see
and damage it.
the ››› page 67.
Do not warm-up the engine by running the
● Before attempting to push-start or tow a ve-
engine with the vehicle stationary. Start off
hicle in order to start it, you should first try to
immediately, driving gently. This helps the
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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