owners manual Renault Koleos
owners manual Renault Koleos - year of production: 2016 - Renault Koleos II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Koleos, year of production 2016:
Driving Varying the following
Once a cruising speed is memorised distance
and the cruise control function is active, You can vary the following distance
you may lift your foot off the accelera- from the vehicle in front at any time by
tor pedal. a 6 pressing switch 6 repeatedly.
If a following distance is stored and a Horizontal following bars will be dis-
vehicle travelling slower than yours is played on the instrument panel, indicat-
detected by the system in your lane,
your vehicle will brake (with the brake ing the following distance selected:
lights on) and adapt its speed to that of – one bar for a short distance (cor-
b responding to a following time of
the vehicle in front, respecting the fol- A around one second);
lowing distance selected previously. – two bars for a medium distance;
Overtaking – three bars for a long distance (cor-
responding to a following time of
If your speed is lower than the cruise around two seconds).
control and you wish to perform an
Adjusting the cruising speedChoosing the distance should depend
overtaking manoeuvre, activating the on the traffic, the laws in your country,
The cruising speed can be changed by
direction indicator will provide acceler- and on the weather conditions.
pressing the switch 2 repeatedly:
ation enabling the overtaking manoeu- If a vehicle is detected by the system in
vre. – side a (+) to increase the speed;
– side b (-) to reduce the speed.your lane, an outline A of a vehicle will
appear above the following bars.
Please note that you must
keep your feet close to the
pedals in order to react in
an emergency.
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year of production from: 2016
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Renault Koleos II 2 owners manual
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Renault Koleos II 2 owners manual
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