owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander
owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Mitsubishi Outlander II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Outlander, year of production 2006 - 2013:
General information
Installation of accessories Important points!
E00200300598 Due to large number of accessory and replacement parts of dif-
We recommend you to consult your MITSUBISHI MOTORS ferent manufactures available in the market, it is not possible,
Authorised Service Point. not only for MITSUBISHI MOTORS, but also a MITSUBISHI
●The installation of accessories, optional components, etc., MOTORS Authorised Service Point, to check whether the
should only be carried out within the limits prescribed by attachment or instalsuch parts aflation of fects the overall
law in your country, and in accordance with the guidelines safety of your MITSUBISHI-vehicle.
and warnings contained within the documents accompa-
nying this vehicle. Even when such parts are officially authorised, for example by
●Installing electric components incorrectly could lead to a a “general operators permit” (an appraisal for the part) or
fire. See the “Modification/alterations to the electrical or through the execution of the part in an officially approved man-
fuel systems” section within this owner’s manual ner of construction, or when a single operation permit follow-
●Using a cellular phone or radio set inside the vehicle with- ing the attachment or installation of such parts, it cannot be
out an external antenna may cause electrical system inter- deduced from that alone, that the driving safety of your vehi-
ference, which could lead to unsafe vehicle operation. cles has not been affected.
●Tyres and wheels which do not meet specifications must
not be used. Consider also that there basically exists no liability on the part
Refer to the “Specifications” section for information
regarding wheel and tyre sizes. of the appraiser or the ofal. Maximum safety fici can only be
ensured with parts recommended, sold and fitted or installed by
a MITSUBISHI MOTORS authorised Service Point (MIT-
SUBISHI MOTORS genuine replacement parts and MIT-
SUBISHI MOTORS accessories). The same also pertains to
modifications of MITSUBISHI vehicles with respect to the
production specifications. For safety reasons, do not attempt
any modifications other than ose that th follow the recommen-
dations of a MITSUBISHI MOTORS authorised Service Point.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi Outlander II 2 owners manual
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