owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● Do not attempt to top off the fuel tank– Keep the pump nozzle in contact● Failure to tighten the fuel-filler cap
after the fuel pump nozzle shuts offwith the container while you are fill-properly may cause theMalfunc-
automatically. Continued refueling maying it.tion Indicator Light (MIL) to illuminate.
cause fuel overflow, resulting in fuel– Useonlyapprovedportablefuelcon-If thelight illuminates because
spray and possibly a fire.tainers for flammable liquid.the fuel-filler cap is loose or missing,
● Use only an original equipment type tighten or install the cap and continue
fuel-filler cap as a replacement. It has aCAUTIONto drive the vehicle. Thelight
built-in safety valve needed for proper● Do not use E-15 or E-85 fuel in yourshould turn off after a few driving trips.
operation of the fuel system and emis-vehicle. For additional information, re-If thelightdoesnotturnoffaftera
sion control system. An incorrect capfer to “Recommended fuel” in thefew driving trips, have the vehicle in-
can result in a serious malfunction and“Technical and consumer information”spected. It is recommended you visit a
possible injury. It could also causesection of this manual.NISSANdealerforthis service.
the Malfunction Indicator Light ● For additional information, refer to
(MIL) to come on. ● The LOOSE FUEL CAP warning will ap-“Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)” in
● Neverpourfuelintothethrottlebodytopear if the fuel-filler cap is not properlythe “Instruments and controls” section
attempt to start your vehicle.tightened.Itmaytakeafewdrivingtripsof this manual.
● Do not fill a portable fuel container into tighten the fuel-filler cap properly● If fuel is spilled on the vehicle body,
the vehicle or trailer. Static electricityafter the LOOSEFUELCAPwarningap-flush it away with water to avoid paint
can cause an explosion of flammablepears may cause theMalfunctiondamage.
liquid, vapor or gas in any vehicle orIndicator Light (MIL) to illuminate.
trailer. To reduce the risk of serious
– Always place the container on the
ground when filling.
– Do not use electronic devices when
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-25

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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