owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
3-20 Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
! Brake fluid level warningHowever, the rear wheels will be moredetails, refer to “Towing” F9-13.
This light illuminates when the brake fluidprone to locking when the brakes are
level has dropped to near the “MIN” levelapplied harder than usual and the vehi-! Electronic parking brake system
of the brake fluid reservoir with the ignitioncle’s motion may therefore become some-warning
switch in the “ON” position and with thewhat harder to control.The brake system warning light flashes
parking brake released.If the brake system warning light and ABSwhen the electronic parking brake system
warning light illuminate simultaneously,is malfunctioning. If the warning light
If the light should illuminate while drivingtake the following steps:flashes, promptly park in a safe location
(with the parking brake released and withas soon as possible and contact your
the ignition switch positioned in “ON”), it1. Stop the vehicle in the nearest safe,SUBARUdealer.
could be an indication of leaking of brakeflat place.
fluid or worn brake pads. If this occurs,2. Shut down the engine, then restart it.The brake system warning light remains
immediately stop the vehicle at the near-3. Release the parking brake. If bothilluminated when the parking brake cannot
est safe place and check the brake fluidwarning lights turn off, the EBD systembe released even if the parking brake
level. If the fluid level is below the “MIN”may be malfunctioning.switch is pulled. For details, refer to
mark in the reservoir, do not drive the “Electronic parking brake” F7-42.
Drive carefully to the nearest SUBARU
vehicle. Have the vehicle towed to thedealer and have the system inspected.!Parkingbrakeapplyinhibit warn-
nearest SUBARU dealer for repair. For4. If both warning lights illuminate againing
details, refer to “Towing” F9-13.and remain illuminated after the engineThebrakesystemwarninglightflashesfor
! Electronic Brake Force Distributionhas been restarted, shut down the engine10 seconds and a chirp sound will be
(EBD) system warningagain, apply the parking brake, and checkheard if the parking brake switch is
The brake system warning light also the brake fluid level. Refer to “Brake fluid”operated when the parking brake cannot
illuminates if a malfunction occurs in theF11-19.be applied.
EBD system. In that event, it illuminates5. If the brake fluid level is not below the!Frequent operation warning
together with the ABS warning light.“MIN” mark, the EBD system may be
TheEBDsystemmaybemalfunctioningifmalfunctioning. Drive carefully to theThebrakesystemwarninglightflashesfor
the brake system warning light and ABSnearest SUBARU dealer and have the20 seconds and a chirp sound will be
warning light illuminate simultaneously system inspected.heard if the parking brake switch is
during driving. 6. If the brake fluid level is below theoperated too frequently. In this case, the
“MIN” mark, DO NOT drive the vehicle.operation of the parking brake switch is
Even if the EBD system fails, the conven-Instead, have the vehicle towed to therestricted to protect the electronic parking
tional braking system will still function.nearest SUBARU dealer for repair. Forbrake system.
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year of production from: 2014
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