owners manual Hyundai Sonata
owners manual Hyundai Sonata - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Hyundai Sonata EF IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Sonata, year of production 1998 - 2004:
G050B01A-AAT G050D02A-AAT
Ambient Engine Coolant concentration
Recommended Engine Coolant temperature Antifreeze To Change the Engine Coolant
Water The engine coolant should be changed at those
°C ( °F) solution intervals specified in the vehicle maintenance
-15 (5) 35% 65% schedule in Section 5.
-25 (-13) 40% 60%
-35 (-31) 50% 50% ! CAUTION:
-45 (-49) 60% 40% Engine coolant can damage the finish of
your car. If you spill engine coolant on the
car, wash it off thoroughly with clean water.
To Check the Coolant Level 1. Park the car on level ground, set the park-
The coolant level can be seen on the side of the ing brake and remove the radiator cap when
G050B01Y plastic coolant reservoir. The level of the cool-
ant should be between the "L" and "F" lines on cool.
Use a high quality ethylene-glycol coolant in a 2. Be sure your drain receptacle is in place.
50/50 mix with water. The engine coolant should the reservoir when the engine is cool. If the level Open the drain cock on the radiator. Allow all
is below the "L" mark, add engine coolant to
be compatible with aluminum engine parts.
bring it up between "L" and "F". If the level is low,the engine coolant to drain from the cooling
Additional corrosion inhibitors or additives should system, then securely close the drain cock.
inspect for coolant leaks and recheck the fluid
not be used. The cooling system must be
3. Check Section 9 for the capacity of the
level frequently. If the level drops again, visit
maintained with the correct concentration and cooling system in your car. Then, following
your Hyundai dealer for an inspection and
type of engine coolant to prevent freezing and the manufacturer's directions on the engine
diagnosis of the reason.
corrosion. Never allow the concentration of
coolant container, add the appropriate quan-
antifreeze to exceed the 60% level or go below tity of coolant to the radiator.
the 35% level, or damage to the cooling system
may result. For proper concentration when
adding or replacing the engine coolant, refer to
the following table.
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year of production from: 1998
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Hyundai Sonata EF IV 4 owners manual
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Hyundai Sonata EF IV 4 owners manual
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