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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith CVT, makО surО NOTE Starting the engine (diesel-powered ve- thО sОlОctor lОvОr is in thО “P” (PARK) posi- IП thО ОnginО is colН, thО НiОsОl prОhОat inНi- l hicles) tion. cation lamp is on Пor a longОr timО. E00625500090 [For vehicles equipped with keyless operation WhОn thО ОnginО has not bООn startОН аithin l system] about 5 sОconНs aПtОr thО НiОsОl prОhОat inНi- VОhiclОs аith M/T VОhiclОs аith CVT cation lamp аОnt out, rОturn thО ignition kОв For inПormation on opОrations Пor vОhiclОs Оquip- to thО “LOCK” position. ThОn, turn thО kОв pОН аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm, rОПОr to to thО “ON” position to prОhОat thО ОnginО “KОвlОss opОration sвstОm: Starting” on pagО 4-13. again. [Except for vehicles equipped with keyless oper- WhОn thО ОnginО is аarm, thО НiОsОl prОhОat l ation system] inНication lamp НoОs not comО on ОvОn iП thО ignition kОв is placОН in thО “ON” position. 1. InsОrt thО ignition kОв anН ПastОn thО sОat bОlt. Start thО ОnginО bв turning thО ignition kОв 2. MakО surО thО parking brakО is appliОН. right to thО “START” position. 3. DОprОss anН holН thО brakО pОНal. 4. Fullв НОprОss thО clutch pОНal (M/T). 5. PlacО thО gОarshiПt lОvОr in thО “N” (NОutral) 7. Turn thО ignition kОв to thО “START” posi- position. tion аithout НОprОssing thО accОlОrator pОНal, NOTE anН rОlОasО it аhОn thО ОnginО starts. On vОhiclОs аith CVT, thО startОr аill not op- l ОratО unlОss thО sОlОctor lОvОr is in thО “P” 4 NOTE (PARK) or “N” (NEUTRAL) position. Minor noisОs maв bО hОarН on ОnginО start- l For saПОtв rОasons, start thО ОnginО in thО “P” up. ThОsО аill НisappОar as thО ОnginО аarms (PARK) position so that thО аhООls arО lockОН. up. 6. AПtОr turning thО ignition kОв to thО “ON” po- Using the MIVEC engine sition, makО cОrtain that all аarning lamps ThО MIVEC ОnginО automaticallв sаitchОs its in- arО Пunctioning propОrlв bОПorО starting thО takО-valvО control bОtаООn a loа-spООН moНО anН ОnginО. a high-spООН moНО in accorНancО аith Нriving con- 7. Turn thО ignition kОв to thО “START” posi- Нitions Пor maбimum ОnginО pОrПormancО. tion аithout НОprОssing thО accОlОrator pОНal, anН rОlОasО it аhОn thО ОnginО starts. 6. Turn thО ignition kОв to thО “ON” position.NOTE ThО НiОsОl prОhОat inНication lamp аill Пirst To protОct thО ОnginО, thО high-spООН moНО l NOTE illuminatО, anН thОn aПtОr a short timО go out, maв not bО sОlОctОН аhilО thО ОnginО coolant Minor noisОs maв bО hОarН on ОnginО start- l inНicating that prОhОating is complОtОН. tОmpОraturО is loа. up. ThОsО аill НisappОar as thО ОnginО аarms up. 4-14
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year of production from: 2010

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