owners manual Renault Kangoo
owners manual Renault Kangoo - year of production: 2008 - Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Kangoo, year of production 2008:
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BoDyWoRk MAIntenAnCe (1/2)
A well-maintained vehicle will last What you should not do you should
longer. It is therefore recommended to Do not degrease or clean mechani- Wash your car frequently, with the
maintain the exterior of the vehicle reg- cal components (e.g. the engine com- engine off, with cleaning products rec-
ularly. partment), underneath the body, parts ommended by the manufacturer (never
Your vehicle has been treated with very with hinges (e.g. inside the doors) and use abrasive products). Rinse thor-
effective anti-corrosion products. It is painted plastic external fittings (e.g. oughly beforehand with a jet:
nevertheless subject to various outside bumpers) using high-pressure clean- – spots of tree resin and industrial
influences. ing equipment or by spraying on prod- grime;
ucts not approved by our Technical – mud in the wheel arches and under-
Corrosive agents in the atmosphere Department. Doing this could give rise neath the body which forms damp
– atmospheric pollution (built-up and to corrosion or operational faults. patches;
industrial areas), Wash the vehicle in bright sunlight or – bird droppings, which cause a
– saline atmospheres (near the sea, freezing temperatures. chemical reaction with the paint that
particularly in hot weather), Do not scrape off mud or dirt without rapidly discolours paintwork and
– seasonal and damp weather condi- pre-wetting. may even cause the paint to peel
tions (e.g. road salt in winter, water off;
from road cleaners, etc.). Allow dirt to accumulate on the exterior. wash the vehicle immediately to
Minor impacts Allow rust to form following minor im- remove these marks since it is im-
pacts. possible to remove them by polish-
Abrasive action Do not use solvents not approved by ing;
Dust and sand in the air, mud, road grit our Technical Department to remove – salt, particularly in the wheel arches
thrown up by other vehicles, etc. stains as this could damage the paint- and underneath the body after driv-
You should take a number of minor pre- work. ing in areas where the roads have
cautions in order to safeguard your ve- been gritted.
hicle against such risks. Do not drive in snow or muddy condi- Remove any plant matter (resin, leaves,
tions without washing the vehicle, par- etc.) from the vehicle regularly.
ticularly under the wheel arches and
ENG_NU_813-11_FK61_Renault_4 Entretien de la carrosserie (peinture mate) (X44 - X77 - J77 - X85 - B90 - X61 - TEST - X77 ph2 - X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - J95 - R95 - L90 Ph2 - F90 Ph2 - R90 Ph2 - X62
Bodywork maintenance
bodywork (up to the end of the DU)
washing (up to the end of the DU)
maintenance .(up to the end of the DU)
anti-corrosion protection (current page)

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year of production from: 2008

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Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual
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