owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*
WARNING of the vehicle ahead exceeds the speed thatWARNING
• Adaptive cruise control is not a collisionyou have set.When adaptive cruise control disengages,
avoidance system. The driver is alwaysThe adaptive cruise control system is designedthe brakes will not be modulated automati-
responsible for applying the brakes ifto smoothly regulate speed. However, thecally. The driver must assume full control
the system does not detect anotherdriver must apply the brakes in situations thatover the vehicle.
vehicle. require immediate braking. This applies when
• Adaptive cruise control does not reactthere are great differences in speed betweenWarning light-driver braking required
to slow moving or stationary vehicles.vehicles, or if the vehicle ahead brakes sud-Adaptive cruise control has a braking capacity
denly. that is equivalent to approximately 30% of the
The distance to the vehicle ahead (in the same vehicle's total braking capacity. In situations
04 lane) is measured by a radar sensor. Your vehi-WARNING requiring more brake force than ACC can pro-
cle's speed is regulated by acceleration andDue to limitations in the radar sensor, brak-vide, if the driver does not apply the brakes, an
braking. The brakes may emit a sound whening may occur unexpectedly or not at all,audible signal will sound and a red warning
they are being modulated by the adaptivesee page 168. light will illuminate in the windshield to alert the
cruise control system. This is normal. driver to react.
Adaptive cruise control can only be activatedNOTE
WARNING at speeds above 20mph (30 km/h). If speed
The brake pedal moves when the adaptivefalls below 20 mph (30 km/h) or if engine speedStrong sunlight, reflections, extreme light
cruise control system modulates the(rpm) becomes too low, adaptive cruise controlcontrasts, the use of sunglasses, or if the
brakes. Do not rest your foot under thedisengages and will no longer modulate thedriver is not looking straight ahead may
brake pedal. brakes. In situations when adaptive cruise con-make the visual warning signal in the wind-
trol cannot be activated Cruise Controlshield difficult to see.
The adaptive cruise control system is designedUnavailable is shown in the display, see
to follow the vehicle ahead of you in the samepage 170. WARNING
lane, at a set time interval. Cruise control only warns of vehicles
If the radar sensor has not detected a vehicle detected by the radar sensor, see
ahead, the system will then attempt to maintain page 168. In some cases there may be no
the set speed. This is also the case if the speed warning or the warning may be delayed. The
driver should always apply the brakes when
166 * Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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