owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
Starting and driving
Crossing a stream
Inspection and maintenance Cautions on handling of 4-wheel
4-аhООl НrivО vОhiclОs arО not nОcОssarilв аatОr-
following rough road operation drive vehicles
prooП. IП thО ОlОctrical circuits bОcomО аОt, ПurthОr
E00606700048 E00606800368
opОration oП thО vОhiclО аill bО impossiblО; thОrО-
AПtОr opОrating thО vОhiclО in rough roaН conНi-
ПorО, avoiН crossing strОams unlОss absolutОlв nОc-
tions, bО surО to pОrПorm thО Пolloаing inspОction
Tyres and wheels
Оssarв. IП crossing a strОam is unavoiНablО, usО thО
anН maintОnancО procОНurОs:
SincО thО Нriving torquО can bО appliОН to thО 4
Пolloаing procОНurО:
ChОck that thО vОhiclО has not bООn НamagОН
l аhООls, thО pОrПormancО oП thО vОhiclО аhОn opОr-
1. ChОck НОpths oП a strОam anН gОographical
bв rocks, gravОl, Оtc.
ating in 4-аhООl НrivО is grОatlв aППОctОН bв thО con-
ПОaturОs bОПorО attОmpting to cross a strОam
CarОПullв аash thО vОhiclО аith аatОr.
l Нition oП thО tвrОs.
anН ПorН thО strОam аhОrО thО аatОr is as shal-
AПtОr аashing, НrivО thО vОhiclО sloаlв
loа as practicablО.
аhilО lightlв НОprОssing thО brakО pОНal in or-
Paв closО attОntion to thО tвrОs.
2. SОt thО transПОr shiПt lОvОr to “4L” position
НОr to Нrв out thО brakОs. IП thО brakОs still
Install spОciПiОН tвrОs on all аhООls. RОПОr to
(Оasв sОlОct 4WD), “4LLc” position (supОr sО-
Нo not Пunction propОrlв, аО rОcommОnН вou
“TвrОs anН аhООls” on pagО 9-18.
lОct 4WD).
to havО thО brakОs chОckОН as soon as possiblО.
BО surО to Пit all 4 tвrОs anН аhООls oП thО
3. DrivО sloаlв at a spООН oП approбimatОlв
RОmovО thО insОcts, НriОН grass, Оtc. clog-
l samО sizО anН tвpО.
5 km/h (3 mph) to avoiН splashing too much
ging thО raНiator corО.
WhОn rОplacОmОnt oП anв oП thО tвrОs or
AПtОr crossing a strОam, bО surО to havО thО
l аhООls is nОcОssarв, rОplacО all oП thОm.
Пolloаing itОms inspОctОН at a MITSUBISHI
All tвrОs shoulН bО rotatОН аhОnОvОr thО
MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point anН takО
аОar НiППОrОncО bОtаООn thО Пront anН rОar
thО nОcОssarв mОasurОs.
tвrОs is rОcognizablО.
• ChОck thО brakО sвstОm anН, iП nОcОssarв,
Never cross a stream where the water is
havО it sОrvicОН.
deep. GooН vОhiclО pОrПormancО cannot bО ОбpОctОН iП
• ChОck thО ОnginО, transmission, transПОr,
Do not change gears while crossing the thОrО is a НiППОrОncО in аОar bОtаООn tвrОs. RОПОr to
anН НiППОrОntial oil or grОasО lОvОl anН tur-
stream. “TвrО rotation” on pagО 8-13.
biНitв. IП thО oil or grОasО is milkв, it inНi-
Frequent crossing of streams can adverse- ChОck thО tвrО inПlation prОssurО rОgularlв.
catОs аatОr contamination. RОplacО it
ly affect the life span of the vehicle; we rec-
аith nОа oil or grОasО.
ommend you to take the necessary meas-
• GrОasО thО propОllОr shaПt.
ures to prepare, inspect, and repair the ve-
• ChОck thО insiНО oП thО vОhiclО. IП ingrОss
oП аatОr is ПounН, Нrв thО carpОt Оtc.
• InspОct thО hОaНlamps. IП thО hОaНlamp
AПtОr crossing a strОam, applв thО brakОs to bО surО bulb is ПlooНОН аith аatОr, аО rОcom-
thОв arО Пunctioning propОrlв. IП thО brakОs arО аОt mОnН вou to havО it НrainОН.
anН not Пunctioning propОrlв, Нrв thОm out bв Нriv-
ing sloаlв аhilО lightlв НОprОssing thО brakО pОНal.
InspОct Оach part oП thО vОhiclО carОПullв.
OCRE12E1 4-41

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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