owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
InTouch Owner’s Manual.) seconds, push the memory switch (1
Initialize entry/exit function or 2) fully for at least 1 second.
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if The indicator light for the pushed
the fuse opens, the entry/exit function will memory switch will stay on for approxi-
not work though this function was set on mately 5 seconds after pushing the
before. In such a case, after connecting the switch.
battery or replacing with a new fuse, open When the memory is stored in the
and close the driver’s door more than two memory switch (1 or 2), a buzzer will
times after the ignition switch is turned sound.
from the ON position to the LOCK position. Ifmemory is stored in the same
The entry/exit function will be activated. memory switch, the previous memory
will be deleted.
JVP0240X Confirming memory storage
MEMORY STORAGE . Push the ignition switch to the ON
Twopositions for the driver’s seat, steeringposition and push the SET switch. If
column and outside mirrors can be storedthe main memory has not been stored,
in the automatic drive positioner memory.the indicator light will come on for
Follow these procedures to use the mem-approximately 0.5 seconds. When the
ory system. memory has stored in position, the
1. Adjust the driver’s seat, steering col-indicator light will stay on for approxi-
umnandoutsidemirrors to the desiredmately 5 seconds.
positions by manually operating each. If the battery cable is disconnected, or if
adjusting switch. For additional infor-the fuse opens, the memory will be
mation, see “Seats” (P.1-2), “Tilt/tele-canceled. In this case, reset the desired
scopic steering” (P.3-24) and “Outsideposition using the previous procedure.
mirrors” (P.3-27).
2. Push the SET switch and, within 5
3-30 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Infiniti Q50 Infiniti Q50 owners manual
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