owners manual Chevrolet Captiva
owners manual Chevrolet Captiva - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Chevrolet Captiva owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Captiva, year of production 2006 - 2015:
Chevrolet Captiva Sport Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Mexico-Black plate (15,1)
6014141) - 2014 - crc - 8/13/13
Infotainment System 7-15
sREV(Reverse):Pressandhold2. Press the softkey again to turnTo change from playback by artist to
to reverse playback quickly. Soundoff random play.playback by album:
is heard at a reduced volume andh(MusicNavigator):Pressthe1. Press the softkey below the Sort
the elapsed time of the file displays.softkey below theBy tab.
ReleasesREVtoresumeplaying. htabtohave
the files played in order by artist or2. Press one of the softkeys below
\FWD(FastForward):Press album. The player scans the disc tothe album tab from the sort
and hold to advance playbacksort the files by artist and album ID3screen.
quickly. Sound is heard at a reducedtag information. It can take several3. Press the softkey below the
volume and the elapsed time of theminutes to scan the disc dependingback tab to return to the main
file displays. Release on the number of files on the disc.
\FWDto The radio may begin playing while itmusic navigator screen.
resume playing. The elapsed time of is scanning in the background.The album name displays on the
the file displays. second line between the arrows,
Sc(PreviousFolder):PressWhenthescanisfinished, the discand songs from the current album
the softkey below theS c tab tobegins playing files in order bybegin to play. Once all songs from
artist. The current artist playing isthat album have played, the player
go to the first track in the previousshownonthesecondline of themovestothe next album in
folder. display. Once all songs by that artistalphabetical order on the CD and
cT(NextFolder):Pressthe are played, the player moves to thebegins playing MP3 files from that
softkey below the next artist in alphabetical order and
cTtabtogoto begins playing files by that artist.album.
the first track in the next folder. To exit music navigator mode, press
RDM(Random):PresstolistentoTo listen to files by another artist,the softkey below the Back tab to
tracks in random, rather thanpress the softkey below either arrowreturn to normal MP3 playback.
sequential order. To use random:tab. The disc goes to the next or
previous artist in alphabetical order.
1. Press the softkey under theContinue pressing either softkey
RDMtabuntil Random Currentbelow the arrow tab until the desired
Disc displays. artist displays.

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year of production from: 2006

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