owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA
owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 147 GTA, year of production 2000 - 2010:
Tuner sensitivity Compact Disc data display Regional broadcast reception
adjustment (SENS DX/LO) function (CD) function (REG)
With this function it is possible to changeWith this function it is possible to chooseSome national broadcasters, at determi-
the sensitivity of automatic station search-the information shown by the display, whennate times of the day, transmit regional pro-
ing. When low sensitivity is set “SENS-listening to a Compact Disc. grammes which differ from region to region.
LO” only stations with excellent receptionTwo settings are available:This function makes it possible to tune in on-
are sought, when high sensitivity is setly on local stations (regional). However if
“SENS-DX ” all stations are sought. There-–TIME (time elapsed since the start ofa regional programme is heard and you wish
fore, if the car is in an area with a consid- to stay tuned to it, the function must be ac-
the track)
erable number of stations and you want to–NAME(CD name).tivated.
choose only those with a strong signal, set To turn the function on/off, use “˙˙”
to low sensitivity “SENS-LO”.After choosing “CD” in the Menu using (7) or “¯¯” (4).
To set the sensitivity, use “¯¯” (4) or“▲” (6) or “▼” (8), the display
The display will show the current status
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR“˙˙” (7). The display will show the cur-shows“CD-DISP”. To change the setting
rent status of the function:use “¯¯” (4) or “˙˙” (7). of the function:
– “SENS-LO”: low sensitivity CD-Changer data display function– “REG-ON”: function on
– “SENS-DX”: high sensitivity.(CDC) (if installed) – “REG-OFF”: function off.
This function can be chosen only if a CD-If the function is off and a regional pro-
Changer is connected. In this case the dis-gramme is tuned that works in a determi-
play will show “ CDC-DISP”.nate area and the car enters a different area,
To change function, use “¯¯” (4) orthe regional station of the new area is re-
“˙˙” (7). ceived.
The display shows the setting among theIMPORTANT When the function is off
two possible: “ TIME” and “CD-NR”.(“REG-OFF”) and the AF function is on
(alternative frequencies) the radio auto-
matically tunes to the frequency of the sta-
tion selected with the strongest signal.

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year of production from: 2000

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Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual
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