owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
pdf (6.99 MB) 308 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
●Turn blower switch 2 to any of the levels●Turn air distribution control to .
●Close the central outlets.
Ventilating the vehicle interior
●Set the airflow to the desired direction us-
●Open and turn the side outlets towards the
The desired temperature inside the vehicleing air distribution control 3 .
cannot be lower than the ambient tempera-
●Open the relevant air outlets.
ture. Once the windows are demisted and as a pre-
ventive measure, the control 3 can be set in
Defrosting the windscreen
●Turn the temperature selector
s greater comfort while preventing
po ition
››› Fig. 170 1 anti-clockwise.●Turn the temperature regulator
the windows from misting again.
››› Fig. 170 1 clockwise to reach the maxi-
●Turn blower switch 2 to any of the levels
mum temperature.
1-4. Note
●Turn the blower switch 2 to level 4.
●Set the airflow to the desired direction us- Remember that the temperature of the engine
ing air distribution control 3 .●Turn air distribution control to .coolant should be optimum to ensure that the
heating system functions correctly (except in
●Open the relevant air outlets.●Close the central outlets.
vehicles fitted with additional heating*).
●Open and turn the side outlets towards the
erior heg
Int atin
Maximum heat output, which is needed to
Keeping the windscreen and the side win-
defrost the windows quickly, is only available
dows demisted
when the engine has reached its operating
●Turn the temperature regulator
››› Fig. 170 1 to the heating zone.
●Turn the temperature selector
●Turn blower switch 2 to any of the levels
››› 1
Fig. 170 clockwise to select the re-
quired temperature.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
pages 161 - 167
Seat Arona owners manual
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