owners manual Peugeot 4007
owners manual Peugeot 4007 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 4007 owners manual EN
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 4007, year of production 2007 - 2012:
R epeating the tracks in a folder Pl aying the beginning of each track To deactivate this information, press
Press the "SCAN" button the "DISP" button again for more than
Press the "RPT" button for two seconds.
more than two seconds to to start playing the fi rst ten
repeat the playing of the seconds of each track in
tracks contained in the cur-all of the folders. "SCAN" If the information exceeds
rent folder. "D-RPT" appears in the appears in the screen and the corre-12 characters, press the
screen. sponding track number fl ashes. "PAGE" button to see the
To exit this mode, press this button again. To exit this mode, press this button again. rest.
In the absence of MP3 or Tag ID3 in-
formation to be displayed, "NOTITLE"
appears in the screen.
R andom playing of a folder MP3 /Tag ID3 display
Press the "RDM" button to When play begins, "READING" appears
start random playing of the on the display then disappears to make
tracks in the current fold-way for the folder number, the track
er. "RDM" appears in the number, the playing time and "MP3". On CD-R/RWs, the quality of the
screen. playing sound depends on the en-
To exit this mode, press this button coding software, the burning de-
again. Press the "DISP" button vice and the burning speed used.
several times in succession; Depending on the fl ow chart of
the MP3 information ap-the MP3 folders and fi les on the
R andom playing of a disc pears in the following order: disc, play may not begin imme-
Press the "RDM" button for DISPLAY MODE.
more than two seconds to
start random playing of the Press the "DISP" button for
11 tracks in all of the folders. more than two seconds to
"D-RDM" appears in the screen. activate the Tag ID3 infor-
To exit this mode, press this button again. mation. "TAG" appears in
the screen.
Press the "DISP" button several times
in succession; the Tag ID3 information
appears in the following order:

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year of production from: 2007

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Peugeot 4007 owners manual
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