owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer
owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Mitsubishi Lancer VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Lancer, year of production 2007 - 2016:
Active Stability Control (ASC) (if so equipped)
- ASC OFF display/ASC OFF indicator NOTE Warning display type 2
This display/incicator will turn on
The display/indicator may come on when
when the ASC is turned off with the
“ASC OFF” switch. you start the engine. This means that the bat-
tery voltage momentarily dropped when the
NOTE engine was started. It does not indicate a
malfunction, provided that the display goes
The combination of items shown on the dis-
out immediately. NOTE
play varies depending on the vehicle model. 5
When a spare tire has been put on your vehi-
The combination of items shown on the dis-
cle, the gripping ability of the tire will be
play varies depending on the vehicle model.
CAUTION lower, making it more likely that the dis-
play/indicator will blink.
When display/indicator blinks, ASC is CAUTION
operating, which means that the road is slip- The system may be malfunctioning.
pery or that your vehicle’s wheels are begin- Park your vehicle in a safe place and stop the
ASC warning display
ning to slip. If this happens, drive slower. engine.
If the temperature in the braking system con- N00559500196
Restart the engine and check whether the dis-
tinues to increase due to continuous brake
If an abnormal condition occurs in the sys-
tem, the following display/indicator will turn play/indicator goes out. If they go out, there
control on a slippery road surface, the
on. is no abnormal condition. If they do not go
display/indicator will blink. To prevent the out or if they turn on frequently, it is not nec-
brake system from overheating, the brake
essary to stop the vehicle immediately, but
control of the traction control function will
- ASC indicator you should have your vehicle inspected by
be temporarily suspended. The engine con- an authorized Mitsubishi Motors dealer or a
trol of the traction control function and nor- repair facility of your choice as soon as pos-
- ASC OFF display/ASC OFF indicator
mal brake operation will not be affected.
Park your vehicle in a safe place. When the
temperature in the braking system has come
Warning display type 1
down, the display/indicator will be
turned off and the traction control function
will start operating again.
Features and controls 5-97
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year of production from: 2007
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Mitsubishi Lancer VIII 8 owners manual
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